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Trump announces resuming peace talks with Taliban during surprise visit to troops in Afghanistan [] via @USATODAY NEGOTIATING WITH TERRORISTS!

Charliesey 7 Dec 1

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Trump wants to pull out of Afghanistan only to fulfill his campaign promise, which is to say, he seeks his own benefit at the expense of foreign policy. The problem is that it's not just the Taliban, it's Islam. The Taliban are simply taking Islam to an extreme, and there are similar Islamic extremists throughout the world.

I don't approve of giving up Afghanistan, but we really don't have a defined mission there, especially if we're simply favoring a less extreme form of Islam. We need an effective medical means to deprogram people from religion, and Afghanistan could be a good test bed. Maybe we could give them psilocibin. Such efforts would not be approved by the other religionists.

We probably are wasting our time. Trump may be right on this one, but only by accident. Hopefully he can be vilified for a policy of 'cut and run' if he betrays Afghanistan as he did the Kurds.


I suspect Donald thinks they are a new real estate franchise coming to take over America and he wants a piece of the action!

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