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-- Attention All Canadian and European Users -- Basically anyone from a country with Universal Healthcare.

I got into an argument with a conservative yesterday while out over the pros/cons of UH. This woman works with many people from South America and she has friends in England so she feels she's more qualified to judge the value of UH and socialism in general because she interacts with more people from more countries with these programs and she insists that UH has never worked for anyone who has it. She cites having heard this firsthand from people who have it and hate it.

It occurred to me that there are people from everywhere on this site so let's get some feedback from those qualified to weigh in. What's the reality? If you live in a country with UH, do you hate it? Is it hated by the general population and does it work or does it not work? Would you want to replace it with privatized healthcare like we have here in Murica and if so, why?

Really want to hear from people on this.

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Sgt_Spanky 8 Dec 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm really disappointed by the lack of response to this thread. Maybe I shoulda included a recipe for peanut butter fudge or a cute photo of a kitten to make it worth responding to.

Thanks to those who replied.


Our National Health Service is a national treasure in the UK. Our message to Donald Trump is....hands off our’s not up for grabs in any future trade deals!! We don’t want your chlorinated chicken either!

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