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Too bad christians always ask “WWJD” but don’t care about the actual answer.

ingridb 3 Dec 2

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I say “What Would Steve Do”. One of my best friends, he always has a practical solution so I tune in to my inner ‘Steve’

More reliable than JC I have discovered!


Quakers and Catholic Workers deserve praise waging peace Fellowship of Reconciliation....they have a button: love thy neighbor NO EXCEPTION


..... and surrender the child molester and sex abuser priests to police?


The xians only have xmas by legal holydays


The bible is a genocidal misogynistic anti-science pro-violent abortion book with precious few encouraging words to care for the human family BUT SINCE THERE WAS no jeebush geehobah ghostholes wwjd always = zero


i think there exists the political christians and the so-called actual christians. neither of them really act like christ but I know some good people in the latter group. the former contains all the evangelicals and they are dumbasses.

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