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Do you think it would be possible to convert the resources of the military industrial complex into sustainable living?

There is massive infrastructure already in place which could be used to develop self sufficient communities with renewables, robotic gardens, AI run waste disposal etc

Is it possible for humanity to refocus?

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powder 8 Dec 2

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Why not, with the correct people and enough willing it certainly could be done. Things have changed so much in my lifetime already. A bit slow sometimes, feels like we’re going backwards sometimes; but with the right people with similar aims...

Yey, we could call it EU!

@Geoffrey51 Mmm I’m pretty sure that’s a different project. I’m not saying we should do it btw 😉 that wasn’t the question was it?


Communities. Hmm, sounds like more politics coming on. There is always someone who can organise better than someone else! 🤪😱🤡

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