A glimmer of hope??
Isn't this astrology without planet/star charts? The opposite of self ACTUALIZATION is conformity to stereotypes
"Upending American Christianity" is the point...anything that can do that I will support. Astrology has never started wars or allowed the rape and molestation of children...etc. You get it, please don't act like you don't.
@ReadyforaChange astrology is officially part of every Indian government agency hardly secular wasting money and not protecting women there from religious rapists.....Alcoholics Anonymous is given far too much credit helping addicts with religion....the lady in this article may be a former xian fundie but is she getting people to quit voting for Trump???? Questioning EVERYTHING is the path to progress not fad psychobabble stereotyping oneself
@Larry68Feminist Dude TRUMP is getting people to stop voting for Trump. The people to target for that task are too stupid and too far gone to understand anyway. Also, this post had nothing to do with him but I feel your pain. I have started every single day since he first appeared on the scene with the sincere wish that the POS strokes out in the manner befitting the steaming pile of human excrement.