I have had an odd notion for awhile now. Definitely out of the box, but I suspect it might be highly effective in promoting tolerance for non belief and critical thought.
Suppose those of us who were raised in religion but reasoned our way out, after they have recovered from the after effects so many suffer from . . .
Suppose they got together in small groups to attend churches, particularly those functions like Bible studies which welcome "seekers", questioning people. At these places they seek to convince others and reinforce their own beliefs . . .
In my experience I would much rather deal with a "spiritual" person in society, a Deist or some such, than any fundamentalist evangelical. So rather than promoting "No God" or a lack of belief . . .
Make them instead question that God's nature and why these men are right about the great unknown, but those men are wrong. . .
Then further suppose that we ask them those uncomfortable questions. Nicely, peacefully, calmly . . .
All the while employing the Socratic Method (Street epistemology)
Attempt to nudge them from Fundie to "spiritual".
Granted we may be dis-invited in a hurry or tossed out on our ears, but how many ripples of critical thought would we create and how far would those travel?
What do you think about such an idea?
Is it viable?
Do you think it would have a positive or negative net effect on things?
Again, thanks for the responses.
It seems most of us are utterly not interested in anything of the sort, for diverse reasons.
If that is the case, how are you preparing to deal with the Christo-Fascist gov we have and which they are trying to reinforce by law as we speak?
Surely in such a theocratic Gov we are likely to be a public enemy.
Are you all aware they changed the Law about preaching from the Pulpit? (illegal since Adams to avoid Church in State)?
Are you aware how in lock step the GOP has been the last three years, going against all history of the GOP and the nation, but in lock step with the evangelicals?
Do you think we should all just live and let Rome burn (live and let live)?
OR try to find some way to humanize ourselves to them?
Because if it all goes south (and the resemblence to 1930's Germany are many, Liberals in power who hold no real power), we are likely to be named enemies of the state.
Am I the only one who sees this juxtaposition and is on the wrong side both Politically and Religiously? Who thinks we need to do something, or be like me, live with more trees than humans?
@ToolGuy I agree, but that won't change the reality that we are in the position of Jews in 1930, in a society driven by right wing ideologes oft driven by a religious ideology which de-humanizes and villanizes us.
If the rank and file, everyday Christian sees us as immoral, devious, egotistical, arrogant and concieted, it makes it really easy for them to see us as less than Human.
I think countering that before things get worse by somehow humanizing ourselves to that demographic would be to our advantage.
Since the majority (myself included ) think that this would be too intrusive, or deceitful
we know as non believers we are legislated against and villanized for non belief
What might be another way, on our local grass roots level to assert our simple right to exist to this demographic of society? To fight against the "Otherness" that part of society promotes about us to both promote themselves and isolate us?
Since Hitch there has been a decided uptick in "open" atheists vs the majority of my life where we just lived our lives because you just never met other people openly calling themselves a non believer.
SO, how might we all do simple, cheap, outreach against "otherness"
You see they are quite entwined.
We cannot remain "Other" if we are not invisible, Especially when our "otherness" is a label based on their beliefs, that their desire to have an inclusive group is by nature exclusive to those not in it, and often demeans or lessens the value of non members?
What might work?
How about hot chocolate and coffee outside after services on the sidewalk, Including a banner behind us which is a statesment of why we do not believe?
I am interested in what our brain pool might conceive. I think it is in our best interests not to be so vilified in this highly charged partisan environment.
If there really is some god thingie and for what ever reason that God thingie has not revealed herself to you but has give some true droplet of supernatural conformation to someone that you go and try and convince them it wasn't really real, you are not going to change anyone's mind unless you understand the "supernatural " elements you are opposing.
Please try and convince me or nudge me from my facts of knowing the facts of my situation.
I was Christian until I had experience that has lead me to an understanding to it would appear Jesus the Christ is Lucifer the devil. I had several dreams that at the time the dreams didn't seem connected nor did I expect the dreams to be of future events. It is rare that I remember dreams vividly 2 seconds after I wake up, however these several dreams stayed with my memory. Several years later the dreams began coming to pass and the connections of the dreams worked out like an orchestrated plan that was not in my control. From one of the dreams I met a man in person that I had seen in a dream. I had never seen or met this man before or since. Even as I visited with this man for about 12 hours thru the night I met him another dream come to pass.
Please feel free to try and convince me that I have not had dreams, perhaps induced not because I induced them but because there was infact "something" other than me or my abilities, capable of inducing the dreams in my sleep.
You are entitled to live your life by dreams.
Does not make them real.
NOR would I ever try and talk someone out of their belief.
Rather I would ask why they believe as they believe.
@Davesnothere I do not live my life by dreams. A person accepts something as true, they have a belief. The act or holding the acceptance of something as true does not make that thing true. What would have to be done is if what they hold as true, it would have to be shown that it is not true.