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Absolute and categoric proof that god does not exist!

Number of fatalities by US golfers struck by lightning each year Av. 1.5
Number of times Trump played golf in one year 92
I rest my case

273kelvin 8 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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This is the source I think.... Trump has played 2.6 times more golf than Obama in his first 2 years and 91 days and has cost the tax payer an estimated $74 million more than Obama. []


Not so fast. I have a closing argument.

Trump has always been rich. The rich play golf. The poor play basketball in the neighborhood. Obama played more basketball than Trump ever did.

All I am saying is. It's not like god hasn`t had a chance here? But WOW imagine for a moment if it really happened? I am sure there would be even quite a few agnostics on here that would be on their knees quicker than you could say, Stormy Daniels or Monica Lewinski. I might even convert my self just for the look on all the alt-right Xians as their jaws drop, ha ha.

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