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Current assignment ends at the end of the month. I wish this last bit wasn't during this season....they are all very religious and it grates on my nerves!

Larimar 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Please explain....none of this makes any sense....did you lose your job at the height of religious heat season ?

I am a contract employee but still full time employee to the employer who contracts me out. Like a consultant. This assignment is a historically black college and they've gone all out on decorating and music, etc. They've had two cookie exchanges already.

@Larimar ok it is a phony show to bake cookies for an alleged baby gawd birthed in a dirty donkey stable by an alleged vaginal building is having a "holiday dinner" with mostly xians signing up for promised "live music".....a Buddhist nun is retired and seems to have dual shrines in her apartment while I cherish my 2 Service Cats Kiti7&Laila10
....our library community room has dozens of bibles and hundreds of religious books and zero Atheist titles....there are good architects who design "co-housing" but mostly religious nuts buy into such communities when Atheists could retire together and be free of retarded rituals

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