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Despite my being an atheist, I still like Christmas. Right now I am listening to the Messiah, a favorite piece of music.

mikej75 6 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Attending one of the messiah sing-a-longs in the local churches, is like ecstatic.

Those dudes would have created great music no matter the reasons required at the time.

Beethoven's 9th is,...


I LOVE Christmas. My brother-in-law was one of the sixteen marines killed when their KC 130 came apart over Mississippi in 2017... So the last two years I haven't been into it as much as I used to, but I do still love the holiday and love that other celebrate it even though I haven't done much with it the last couple of years.


actually the yule season is a pagan holiday that the Christians could not get the heathens to give up. Yule log decorating trees and so forth like most of the holidays that we calibrate are all conversion that those heathens loved holidays.


I don't have strong feelings about Christmas. It's sometimes nice to get together with people, as a lot of folks have time off around Christmas and it's easier to coordinate schedules, but I'm not especially caught up in the holiday festivities or the rather awful music (e.g., Jingle Bell Rock). Some music, though, is quite lovely, like classical music and the slower, more mellow songs of the season.


I also like the farting jingle bells song in Jib Jab.


I always enjoy a metal Christmas beginning with Bob Rivers, " I am Santa Claus" (heavy metal satire on Black Sabbath.

Other metal Christmas songs: []


-- This is what I think of Christmas songs
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