Are you openly Atheist with your friends and family?
Yeah. I'm agnostic, but I don't flaunt it or anything. They know where I stand and that we disagree.
Its not a topic that has came up, other than with my brother, so no, friends and family do not know. Only "joined the dark side" about a year ago.
Dark side!!!??? It isn't as dark as most threatening religions, is it? Then, there is no sense in kicking a hornets' nest by bringing the subject up in a hostile environment. Smile. (It all IS that bad, but smile anyway.)
Yes. My family doesn't like to discuss it with outsiders, but I'm open to discussing. I strive to go against the norm. I used to have a coworker I sat next to and we'd debate religion all day (he was VERY religious but not in your face about it).
I am with most of the people I am closest too. My younger brother and sister are both pretty faith-based (note I didn't say religious; both are very liberal on all fronts, they just also have faith in Jesus) so I haven't come out and said that I no longer have faith in a higher power but I'm also not exactly quiet about my views on religion in general either. My moms and my friends all know exactly where I stand though.
They all know that I'm Agnostic. They aren't super religious though. They are pretty moderate to very liberal in their beliefs about God so we don't have arguments or anything like that. There is no ostracization.
I don't try to hide it. I'm certainly "out" to my friends. If religion comes up with my family (which it seems to do from time to time) I just politely say that I have different beliefs than theirs. If they want to know more I would go into greater detail. That hasn't happened yet, thankfully.
I try to sensor myself concerning anything that could cause an argument except when I feel like someone in my family needs a bit of enlightenment on some outdated belief. Friends I’m a little less so, they’re a lot more open minded than my family but they’re also mostly religious so the sensorineural continues!!! I just to something passive like not go to church, or when I do, not go to communion.
Absolutely. I feel like I have to censor myself regardless, because so many that I care about don't feel the same as I do. It's easier not to involve those hard feelings. But they know I am, and I'm not ashamed of it.
Not with my mom. She has no idea and I think the thought would probably kill her.
Yes. I don't make big deal about it but my family and friends know where I stand.
I am a retired middle school teacher. I was asked by students, almost every year, if I believe in God. My answer was always, "No". Guess I'm open about it.
I don't flaunt it but I do demonstrate it by not attending church, not watching religious shows on tv with other members, not participating in prayer etc. I know for a fact that one cousin is praying for me because I don't use the word jesus enough in my vocabulary.
Out of 7 kids all, except one sister are atheists. Even my sister knows that (and still tries to proselytize).
I like to shout it at them when we're at dinner, particularly Easter and Christmas.
Me: "Aunt Sue, you look lovely tonight, so glad you've recovered from that slip and fall. Must've really hurt. Did the Thoughts and Prayers I sent help?"
Sue: "Well, I still have a limp, and..."
Also me: "Oh, and could you please pass the potatoes? They've not made it down here yet. Thanks Sue, they look lovely, you really outdid yourself this time, hip and all. Love you."
I don't flaunt it, but I don't hide it either. Most of my family and friends know I don't worship any deity, but I have a soft spot for my grandma. She isn't super religious, but she strongly believes in god. I told her once when I was younger that I don't worship her god and she smacked me in the mouth. Now she's kinda getting senile so Idk if she even remembers that I don't. We pretty much just don't talk about it in front of her. And if it gets brought up I just kinda veer around the subject. Pretty much anybody else that knows me tho knows that's not my bag
Yes, I never lie or hide it. But it doesn't 10 come up very often, and it's not uncommon for people to know me weeks or months, all the while I assuming I'm a Christian.