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I pray that my first post on this website is a success and that it helps me level up to eventually become an Super Saiyan.

Come up with a funny ending to this sentence:

"If the power of prayer was real, ..."

AB313 3 Dec 14

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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...we'd all be dead because everybody is praying for the destruction of everyone else.


"...a lot of assholes wouldn't be breathing. And a whole bunch more people would still be breathing."

Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I had to look up the "super saiyan" thing.

It's a Dragonball Z reference. Which you know since you looked it up but I'll put it put it out there anyway.

@Sgt_Spanky Thanks. Yeah, I looked it up. I don't watch that stuff.
I am not a fan of anime. Like at all.
Didn't like "Speed Racer" when I was kid, or "Kimba: The White Lion".
Grew up detesting anime.

@KKGator I like a lot of it but I hate that sick Hentai shit. Anume in general isn't for everyone.

1 would be discovered that Trumps hair is actually a space alien controling him.


It wouldn’t make any difference. First, what about all the competing prayers representing competing interests? Two warring sides both praying for victory can’t both win. Also, the gods being prayed to aren’t obliged to act on any of the whiny pleas sent their way, are they? So, maybe the gods exist but enjoy keeping us guessing, and maybe they hear our pathetic begging for shortcuts in life because they just like watching us squirm. My kind of gods!


Are you implying this site is like a Dragon Ball game? And we're a bunch of barbaric aliens?


the Detroit Lions would be in a Superbowl. Notice I didn't say win a Superbowl because we know there is no power of prayer

lerlo Level 8 Dec 14, 2019

Everyday would be nice for adults but snow days for kids.

MrDMC Level 7 Dec 14, 2019

Prayer and religion? We hates them both, forever.


...your wish would not be granted 😀

Varn Level 8 Dec 14, 2019

Prayer is the same as wishing. Prayer is a pure expression of selfishness. (and not a good look as people prostrate themselves in service to their ego). Those egomaniacs that pray claim that they have a special relationship with a deity over and above their fellows, and have the hubris to change God's Plan via their supernatural connection.


I just know this reminds me of the line by Jim Morrison of The Doors about a man who said you could petition the Lord with prayer........


To each his/her own!!!

The old adage:

“Shit in one hand and pray with the other hand?

See which one fills up first!!“

Crude, rude, and to the point!!!


.....none of us would be here. (Ags that is)


Its not the power of prayer, its the power of positive thinking




The problem with opening ones mouth sometimes.....................


.. no one would have to exist in the first place, especially in this pathetic crap called existence.

Ohm non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God ohm we pray that you make sure no one has to exist ohm because no one asked to exist ohm especially in this pathetic crap ohm non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God keep everyone and everything in non-existance with you ohm for ever and ever ohm non-existence for everything ohm

Ohm I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ohm

Word Level 8 Dec 14, 2019
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