Some insight into Mayor Pete’s Medicare plan. If you want to solve the healthcare crisis, his route may be worse.
I wanted to comment tl;dr, but i did read it. Thankfully very short. I think the big picture is 1- PB is very ordinary. Being young and gay does not set him apart- which is why hes still in the race. 2- no president is going to design a healthcare plan that actually passes, looking anything like its original self.
Congress and lobbyists will determine our healthcare futire, no matter how qualified/ unqualified they are. Then add lawsuits and administrative decisions. Several of the candidates would have more power over this issue if they stayed in Congress. Id be surprised if we didnt se Buttigieg there too, in a few years.
It's the classic corporatist strategy. Starve a social service of funding, watch it fail, blame socialism for the failure, privatize, collect huge profits.