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Impeachment Predictions.

It looks very likely that the House will soon impeach the President. Next, the Senate will hold a trial.

Here are a few scenarios. How do you think it will turn out?

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RoboGraham 8 Dec 14

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The Dems have far more to gain by grandstanding, making moral judgements, and having speechs about their ideals, than they do with an actual impeachment and removal from offive. Personally i think DT will be impeached but stay in office.

Im assuming this is a completely partisan series of events.

The chaos of two changes in administration in under a year, would reflect badly on everyone in the Congress, and for anyone who claims to be running for the dem version of making America great again. Plus the dems run the risk of allowing a less divisive republican like Pence or Romney, to step in and smooth everything over. The dems want to get their version of a moderate Republican into office, and they have better odds if DT stays in office but is severely handicapped and loses the 2020 race.

I agree - Dems impeach, Reps acquit. The only possible way this could change is if the public becomes more interested and active, forcing their representatives to do something. I guess another possibility is if more dirt is found on Trump. I am certain there is plenty there but it may not be directly relatable to his office.


There'll be no trial, if #MscowMitchMcPutrin has HIS way. He's already admitted that his oath of office is meaningless, and has declared his solidarity with #DearLeader. HOWEVER, having said all that, DUMP seems INSISTENT on a trial. This #Dumbass LOVES to shoot himself in the foot, and it COULD be his downfall. But then, it would leave us with #ChristianShariaLawPence!! Out of the frying pan into the fire!!

McConnell will definitely hold the trial. He knows the republicans can use it for their political advantage. They will use the trial as a platform to continue the witch hunt narrative, play the victim, and go on and on about how it's the democrats and Biden who are really the corrupt ones. They will take their time and draw the trial out so that it will be in the news for weeks and at the end, Trump can say that he is totally vindicated and that the democrats did a failed coup.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will have to do their duty as Senators and sit as jurors which will take them off the campaign trail for weeks. The democrats have created a disaster for themselves.

@RoboGraham i think the republicans have too much invested in DT to risk a serious pummeling, i think theyll try to keep the trial short as posdible. The dems will scream and claim justice was stymied, but for the most part, itll just solidify the base for each party. They key is trying to motivate the huge number of voters who stayed home in 2016- the dems are hoping their "inherant sense of fairness" will be triggered.

There will be a trial alright and everybody knows that Trump will be acquitted. The Republicans will then shout, "See, he is innocent!". It is all meaningless.


I think it's also possible that Trump could be impeached again.

I hope the democrats will learn this time around that this impeachment strategy is detrimental to the cause.


Sadly, the nation is so polarized that it seems nothing really matters beyond party loyalty.

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