Haven’t been active here for a while but I need to vent to like minded people.
I’m so tired of hearing about religion from ugly minded people who wear their Christ Insanity on their sleeve and insist on pushing it in our political arena.
It’s reflected in politics and influences policies adversely affecting women, minorities, education and countless other ways ; all while they identify themselves as good people with values. However their values are beliefs steeped in the oppression of others based on ridiculously outdated religious dogma.
Now I realize probably all reading this already know this but I’m appalled by it and it definitely seems to be on the rise at an alarming rate. From the Transgender policy in the military to the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the latest insane ectopic pregnancy laws in Ohio and a second state is trying to follow the insane idea.
The Ohio legislator now reveals he was encouraged by a Right to Life religious lobbyist who gave the lawmaker the information in drafting the law.
Religious influences are toxic and have no place in our politics. It’s a form of extremism. And it’s upsetting me a lot to the point of anger. I recognize my reaction is not a healthy one but I am increasingly aware that the influences of these cult members is on the rise.
That is my short version but I needed to put it out there in this community and am wondering how you see this issue.