I had a friend describe FB as an echo chamber and it's largely true. An echo chamber of ignorance.
Case in point, a snippet of conversations involving the recent hulabaloo over Netflix.
But read it all again. It's not just about Netflix.
It's about xtain privledge all over the place. It's about excusing wrong behavior because...jeebus. It even serves as a window to the mentality of why trumpsters turn a blind eye to the multitude of ills created by our president.
How do you reason with this????
It's supremely frustrating.....
Remember when Jerry Foulmouth cult school baptist of Lynchburg VA OLD TIME gospel HOUR preached : TELETUBBIES TINKY WINKY WAS TEACHING 2 YEAR OLDS TO BE GAY ????
I have 5000 FB friends and zero of them are xian homophobes like Putin and McConnell or Marion Gordon Robertson JUNIOR alias 700 clubber Pat....good riddance Fred Phelps is dead
What I posted was on a comment thread from this story
Interestingly enough, Hallmark reversed course and are going to continue running the commercial. Better minds prevailed and I guess they reasoned that losing a few thousand tight ass so called Christians was not worth alienating the LGBT community and their supporters, which have far more people.
It serves the christians right. They behave as if the world is theirs when they have the majority. #taste of their own medicine....