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When you have a cat in your life... 😁

KittensandSage 6 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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My cat Jasper showed up at our door one day and declared he was home. He was young and funky and feral. We had him neutered, but it was too late, so when other cats outside vex him, he sprays inside. Lovely, right? He's generally happy to be outside, except when he isn't...because...he's a cat!

Now "we" is me. So occasionally I'll leave him in a risk a little spraying when the weather is bad. I cover it and clean up with an enzyme spray...

I know I'm describing immeasurable fun; anyone want to adopt a cat?


Feral and friendly possibilities


Yes, they can be moody. We once had an alpha female, white, Abyssinian who could be loving but vicious. Once we took her to the vet for a shot and then bam. He (with a scratch on his face) was in one corner of the room, I in another and my then partner in a third and this 7 lb cat was in the middle on the table just daring us to come and try and get her.

Yours sounds like a wildcat lol. Mine is like a cat dog, so sweet, his Vet staff even loves him, but I brush him with every reflex on alert, because when he changes his mind, well, itβ€˜s pretty funny. I have to let him take the brush, so he won’t scratch 😹. He always end up with the brush in his paws. Such a nut.

@KittensandSage I've had several cats in my life. My first one I names Snickelfritz. The White cat belonged to my then partner who I met in Germany. Every move the cat got a little wilder. We then found a Tabby kitten that was like yours except part human, part dog, and part cat. The female tolerated him but he had feline leukemia and only lived 3 years. Later came 2 more males and one was crazy/smart and we named him Cosmo for cosmic Kitty as he had so much energy. He didn't mind baths or having his nails clipped. The female, don't even think about it. The vet told us red cats are often the most vicious. One he called and said the no. 1 cat had died so ours, Aspro, was now no. 1. When we broke up we agreed the family had to stay together so she took the kids.

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