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Why are we quiet about doing good things? I put forward the hypothesis that the awful and miserable things in the world are given far too much attention and that this year we should be loud and proud of our positive efforts and not be hiding our good deeds under a bushel.
Blessed are the meek - bah humbug. People are becoming despondent, apathetic and downright depressed at the world.
I think we need good news to feel proud of humanity again and that there is some hope.
Do something good and tell your friends; shout it loud and proud and challenge them to do more! πŸ˜‰

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girlwithsmiles 8 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Giving, makes me happy, I don't need to tell anyone about the deed. I did it and I know it, that's more than enough!!

I just think some people don’t realise that people do. They hear all the negativity and think only the really wealthy should help. I wonder how wealthy the real Saint Nicholas was for example? ( ah just looked it up; he was pretty wealthy! πŸ˜‰). But a lot of people are saying a similar thing.


I tell others when I do good things but not all of it... It would be taken as bragging


If it is the kind of good deed which can produce much greater good, if others follow one's example, then it is useful to tell others about it, but not in a self-aggrandizing or narcissistic way. Be a little self-deprecating or modest instead. It will make others more likely to believe they themselves can do just as great or a better good deed as the one they will emulate.

Helping others is about helping others, the act of doing.


Pay it forward !

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