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I wonder how much antagonism will be present in the congregations that gather this morning all over the nation concerning Trump's rebuke, or forgiveness for his very non-Christian Behavior. lots of praying that he might be granted a soul or his well-deserved removal. I just wonder. nothing like a good schism.

hankster 9 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll accept that religious folks are tolerant when they successfully remove "In God We Trust" from our government issued currency ! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

@hankster . . . my rant about their claims of forgiveness/tolerance


Beats me

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 22, 2019

I doubt if the average church goer is paying much attention or cares all that much about political wrangling.

Quite right Bill. I am sure itโ€™s a fixation of the minority as well.

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