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I challenge you to challenge me!

I have just moved to Auckland (New Zealand), my first city in years.

Looking at the Meet Ups groups, there's just so damn many!!!

So I am asking you to browse Auckland meet up and groups and suggest/challenge me to attend a group.

If I am able to get to it, and they allow me to attend, I will go; NO MATTER WHAT THE GROUP IS! And not just one - I will try ALL groups suggested/requested unless I am unable to attend, or the group won't except me (for instance, I don't think the lesbian meet up groups would let me attend, but I will at least ATTEMPT to try ALL groups suggested). Unwillingness is not an excuse. Although I sincerely hope there are a few groups that none of you come across! 😛

Here's the link to Auckland Meet Up:


And of course, I will report back afterwards. 🙂

If you are also willing to be challenged, please say so - will happily do the same for you. Your rules though.

I'm up for anything, but you might not be. Just write your stipulations, and it's all good. 🙂

Kreig 7 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I am also considering relocating, and New Zealand is definitely a place I would consider. I'm currently in the United States, so that would be a very big transition for me. Where did you move from? And how has the experience been so far?


Upstaging!?? Oops, sorry!


This is fun! You have actually already challenged me! And I've been going to both the local atheist and humanist groups meetings every week. Plus I've added a trivia night. And a hiking event. So because of you, I'm going to a minimum of 2-3 meetups each week! That's huge for me! Thanks!

I found one you might enjoy. It's every Wednesday so just anytime within the next couple weeks.
Check out this Meetup with Auckland Board Gamers []

@Kreig, it's made a big difference for me and it's because of your challenge. I can't thank you enough. ❤


That is actually a bold challenge, and there are many,
how about

you can let us know how a singles meet up group works out.

good luck

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