Church beats up their pastor after he bought a range rover. Demands tithe refund.
Couldn’t pull up the article, but he was just being blessed for his devotion to the lord , what’s the big deal ?
Here's the article:
A church congregation tired of sowing seeds and not being able to harvest anything have unleashed their wrath on their pastor who came to the church in a new range rover.
The Ghanian pastor is said to have continuously asked his church congregation to give out tithe to receive more blessings. The church gave all they could but as days went by, their blessings showed no signs of knocking on their doors.
The young pastor was nabbed while entering a government building compound with his wife seated at the passenger’s seat. The youth of his church pounced on the preacher and his wife and gave them a thorough beating.
While roughing them up, they demanded that the pastor gave them back the tithes they had given at the church or else face their wrath. His wife tried pleading with the youths as his husband was clobbered mercilessly.
Watch the video below.