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I hear from my brother frequently about how concerned he is I'm going to hell. He means it in a nice way, but it gets old. I finally got him to stop by Saying this

  1. You believe your god is all powerful : yes
  2. You believe your god created everything we know : yes
  3. You believe your god created Angels : Yes

Your God created Lucifer the fallen Angel otherwise known as the Devil and blames everything evil on him. Your all powerful god created the 2nd biggest Ahole ever and does nothing to stop him Making your God a liar or the #1 biggest ahole ever. Stop talking to me about your pathetic god.

I wish I could at will create my own scapegoat hahaha. How can people fall for this?

SilentRage 4 Dec 27

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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all the bad and evil in the world there can not be a god or gods


Welcome to the site, and it seems easy for a lot of people.


You can limit a person's unwanted behavior with you. Begin with " Stop ! Not going there with you again." Then, don't talk. I've gone as far as standing in a corner with my nose up against the wall with my fingers in my ears. You can la lalalala too. You must do it every time, no exceptions. Intermittent reward reinforces bad behavior. Even if it takes a year he will give up. It worked on my mother. Other family got tired of it and told her to leave me alone. She bristles a bit on holidays but she keeps her mouth shut.

I certainly can..

I hold my friends to high standards as welll. When/if they don't meet them I don't have to worry about "helll" I just tell them to go away.


I turn the subject around by asking them how they can pray to a god that will keep people alive for the sole act of torturing them? How pathetic is that?


I do hope this continues to work for you with your brother, though I think the least one contributes to verbal engagement is always better. As long as there's an opening, those folks can just keep on ranting.


Explaining does not help, people will continue to make you follow tradition.

I didnt explain, just pointed out the major flaws.

@SilentRage Some people will not change their view because that was the way they were brought up to be.


Brainwashing basically.

Indoctroction at to young to question is the root of all religious beliefs.


We actually have been granted a special scapegoat for our times. Donald J. Trump. The problem is he feeds off of the negative energy- such a conundrum!

I think Trump is a great inspiration for everyone. He shows just how crap you can be at something and still keep your job. If he worked at my place he probably would have had at least one written warning by now and maybe been sent on a course?

@273kelvin If he worked at my place, he'd have been out the door the first day. We are a non-profit organization and we deal with a diverse public, both our volunteer base and our clientele. That behavior would have him dismissed. There is not one day he has put in as president where he could have been good enough for any job at all in our organization. And don't get me started about Kavanaugh's interview, wow!

@Kenoaks During the reign of King George (you know the mad one that you guys fired) any performance of Lear was banned. It would not surprise me if Trump might do the same but also include "The Caine mutiny"


And how exactly does he think you are supposed to keep from going to hell? Is it by hypocritically pretending to believe something that you don't actually believe in? You can't force yourself to believe in something you don't. You can only pretend to. Does he believe in salvation by hypocrisy?

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