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Food and popular beer and wine contaminated with monsantos weedkiller is the headline to the article.


This is link to an article I hope you will all take the time to read and then submit comments to the EPA.

I hope you pass it on to all your friends.

silverotter11 9 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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The EPA is owned by Monsanto. This administration will do nothing but damage. There is so much glyphosate in the world that it's literally impossible to get away from it short of locking yourself in a hermetically sealed room or leaving the planet. This podcast is eye opening.

So we just go down without a fight! I posted the link hoping it might get people to comment. Monsanto may hold sway over the EPA in some ways but the EPA is a complaint driven government agency that has rules it must follow - unless trump's done away with all of them I'll keep hoping people will continue to fight and speak - especially with their spending.

@silverotter11 Trump is systematically undermining the entire agency. One of the first things he did was to put out a gag order that no federal agency is even allowed to acknowledge climate change. We'll have to wait for him to be out of office before we have any hope of progress. It's not about rolling over & giving up. It's about being patient & waiting for the right time to strike.


When Mother Earth dies, we will soon follow and we are killing her....


I don't know how anyone who works for that company can sleep at night, particularly upper management and senior leaders who intentionally implement practices detrimental to health, and only consider their financial well being. There's many reasons they are banned from many countries.

Will you comment? I truly hope there is a huge number of people who submit comments, even of it's just NO. I know enough voices being heard makes a difference , getting the American citizens educated to the danger of Roundup is huge, many believe what Monsanto says about it being okay. Thanks for your comment.


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