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I'm sure many people on here have religious friends and family members that get on your nerves. How do you deal with it? I'm tired of hiding I'm an Atheist and thinking about coming out of the perverbal closet . Looking for some input on the matter.

freedom41 9 Jan 2

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54 comments (51 - 54)

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I don't confront or argue

A good strategy, sometimes.

@Atheist3 yeah can't change them and family is family


I tell them that I respect and love them no matter what religious beliefs they have. I share the holidays with them for cultural and traditional purposes but they are clear that I do not share the beliefs.


Difficult situation. Short of being abrupt, just say that, "You'll pray fer them." lol


Why is everyone so afraid of their family? They are usually the worst people you have to deal with because of their stupid expectations, manipulative behaviors, and, intolerance. I told my family to fuck off, and they did, and I feel better for it . . . . I will not associate with racists, religio-nazis, or pedophile ass-kissers, whether they are family or not. If you can't be blunt with them, you are always going to be tip-toeing around them like some kind of subservient slave. If you can't be REAL with them, then something is wrong with them, not you.

But then some of us have loving and supportive family who we care about and don't want to upset, like my 95 yo mother who is not going to change her ideas and would be devastated to know that her son was an atheist.

Obviously there is no cookie-cutter formula for each specific person's situation.

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