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Anybody concerned that trump has begun to lead the states into a war with Iran, wagging the dog to defer us from impeachment, and making his war-monger buddies more money???

DiThor 6 Jan 3

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Nope. 45 is doing the same war crimes as 44, 43. 42, 41 and 40 all borrowing 21 trillion for illegal war crime profiteering bankster polluter zionism....ReaGUN should be exhumed and cremated as punishment for his murders same as daddy Bushwacker....did you see Ellen deGeneres pretending boy Bush is not so bad ?


Trump once said Obama would start Iran war to get reelected



Yes, and a lot of people are concerned about it judging from my Twitter feed.

The most likely outcome is one or more terrorist attacks from Iran's proxies, but a regional war is not impossible, particularly with Trump's lack of acumen at just about every aspect of his job combined with his need to distract from his impeachment and the continuing revelations leaking out around it. World war probably isn't too likely although someone on Twitter last night asked, "shit, did we just assassinate Arch Duke Ferdinand?"

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