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The highlight of BBC Chrismas viewing - Dracula
A superb adaptation of Bram Stoker's story. Reasonably faithful to the original but with some great twists and turns. (Van Helsing is a very secular nun. Which the sapiophile in me found quite sexy.)
I am not a great fan of horror myself but this was scary enough and had good moments of humor. The script was excellent. As you would expect from Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss (Sherlock) as was the acting and SFX.
You even get to find out why he has to be invited in and cannot do sunlight or crosses. But that is at the end.
I don't think I have ever seen a better version. Guardian rightly called it a belter!

273kelvin 8 Jan 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds good...will take a look.

Mimee Level 6 July 11, 2020

Very cool


Ooh I do love a good Dracula!

Then you will adore this one.


If I'm lucky, it might eventually air on Ga Public Broadcasting. They aired Sherlock, which I really liked.

It is too god not to end up on US TV soon.

@273kelvin It's on Netflix here - I just did a search (we use a Roku stick for TV). I know what we're watching today! ❤

It was a production of Netflix and BBC - so it's likely our PBS stations will carry it too at some point.

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