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Lightupmylife 7 Jan 4

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Now we can actually see and comprehend how the wealthy and their corporations are using religion to control those who are so lame they will believe in mystic fate of religion rather than their logic and common sense.

Seems intelligence does not guarantee any sort of Sanity, ability, logic, or actual common sense!!!

Those put in charge are NOT placed in power because of their logic, experience, and abilities!!!

It is that they are part of the group that the wealthy and their corporations have been grooming so they can be manipulate, controlled, and manage with little effort by giving them what they think is power and wealth!

It was and is the best of times and the worst of times!!!

Hopefully Dickens would approve!!!


USA = GREAT satan as long as USA IN gawd WE TRUST is murdering for oil and zionism Pompeoe is the new Billy Grahan of USA war profiteering


How can anyone so stupid sound logical? Well...if you're an evangeloon, you can answer this question....

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