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You don't have to scratch very far below the surface of the Soleimani assassination to get a whiff of Donald Trump's stench. Would yet another of his famous distractions help divert attention away from all the damning evidence surrounding the empeachment trial ?...of course. Would putting Democratic candidates in the box of having to choose between supporting Trump's decision and being accused of softness on terrorism benefit Trump?....of course. Would it make Trump seem strong....of course. Would a war with Iran cause most Americans to rally around the president?....of course. Would Trump be willing to spend billions on a war with Iran, and sacrafice countless American military men's lives.....all for his own personal political standing?....of course. Is it now proven that these were his motives? But, in light of his clear life long absence of morality, is it very possible, and probably likely?.....of course.

balance_point 6 Jan 5

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The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.


I wonder why this story (Iraqis celebrating death of Soleimanis) isn't in MSM here? []


Trump is knee-deep in Shiite!


I almost totally agree. That chicken-shit, draft dodging wanna be is about get 100s or 1000s of US kids killed. Not to mentioned a large number wounded/maimed for life. I don’t want to think about the damage to 1000s of families on both sides.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 5, 2020

Interesting development this morning. Iraqi parliament has voted to kick out all American and coalition troops from their country. And require America to close their embassy. This is in response to "government sponsored assasination". Removing all coalition troops from Iraqi soil has long been a major goal of Iran..... Ooooops. 🙄


The approach of ignoring the bullie hoping will leave us alone has been proved useless countless times. Iran had it coming. This was long over due. For once American fellows, unite.

@OwlInASack That's quite a detour on the conversation.

@OwlInASack After years and years of messy stuff from Iran, clearly you cannot talk rule of law with them.

The war on Iraq in 2003 that killed thousands of people on both the Iraqi and US side was because Iraq was accused of possessing weapons of mass destruction. Well the whole world know that wasn't the case including the US themselves. It was a WAR FOR OIL. I wonder what it is really about now?

@TimeOutForMe I understand but also I am aware that I use/need gas for my car every day. Oit tankers and oil facilities have been disrupted recently in the hopes to hurt Western civilization. Like it or not, that's ther reality. We all need gas and at times those resources have to be protected.

@OwlInASack I think we have had enough my friend. Clearly we both see things differently. You are entitled to your point of view and I respect that. I will always expect the same courtesy.

@IamNobody your response is one of arrogance. The US controls world wide oil prices on oil they don't own. Or didn't you know that? They own an abundance of our countries minerals too. Arrogance at all costs. YOUR need for gas!!!

@TimeOutForMe I am pretty sure you need gas too.

@IamNobody I use our local fuel - Sasol and Engen.

@TimeOutForMe Just so you know, OPEC controls oil prices, not the US..

@Captain_Feelgood I should've instead said it's price is controlled by dollar currency which cripples everyone else. Thanks for pointing that out 😉


Just curious, were you as condemning of Obama after taking out an equally horrific terrorist leader named Bin Laden? Were you as willing to act like the good Christian and turn the other cheek then? Trust me, Trump is not worried about being impeached. He did this because the guy just attacked us again and was planning another attack after telling him to get out of Iraq. The Iraqis want us there, not him. He was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans, not to mention tens of thousands of Kurds, Syrians, Turks and Afghanis, Kuwaitis and Saudis.. etc, etc.. The man should have been taken out years ago. Iran needed a slap in the face to understand Obama is not here to hold the Iatolas' hand anymore.. I suggest filling this out and giving it to your PP. Maybe he can prescribe something for you.

Yes, we can always defend Trump's actions by talking Obama. If that fails maybe we can talk Hillary. BTW, let's use her e-mails and build Trump's Wall. Lately I have been increasingly worried that someone will cross over to the USA from Canada and kill me in my sleep. 🙂

@DenoPenno I'm so sorry that pointing out the obvious hypocrisy bothers you so much. 😒

@Captain_Feelgood That is exactly how my response to you looks at your post. Be certain to throw in Bill Clinton, Bush Jr., and FDR while defending Trump. You cannot defend his actions by talking about someone else. It does not work that way and is just another diversion.

@DenoPenno Why is it so hard for you to understand that pointing to Obama is not defending what Trump did, I defend what he did with the facts about why Soleimani needed to be taken out.. Pointing out what Obama did is just pointing out your hypocrisy.

@OwlInASack Perhaps if you read it again, you'll see I didn't point out Obama's work as 'whataboutery'.. It points out your hypocrisy. I defended Obama's decision then as well..

@Captain_FeelGood. Thanks for your concern, but I will pass on the meds prescription. My mental faculties are this case it is how I view Obama's actions vs. Trumps.
One of the reliable ways to discern truth is by observing patterns. Over the last several years, I have observed Trump continuingly starting needless personal dust ups star parents... the pope... movie stars... leaders of foreign allies...deceased national heros (like John McCain)....members of the media...long standing newspapers...anyone with differing opinions. And they usually occur when he is in a bad news cycle. He clearly uses it as distraction from his misdeeds and scandals. My observations of Obama reveal not one trace of that pattern.
You do not proclaim a earn it with your actions during your lifetime. That's why Obama's actions are assumed to be founded in good moral value (because they always have been his entire life).....And that's why Trump has no benefit of the doubt (because he has demonstrated disprespect, immorality, deception, and self-serving actions his entire life, including his presidency). If we can not trust him to believe our own intelligence agencies over Putin (the murderous thug oligarch of our long time national enemy, Russia), then how can we trust his motives on anything !!!!!!
It's one of the things that makes our heads more than a place to put our hats........learning from observation.....its not that hard.

You ignore one important fact in comparing Obama taking out Bin Ladin to Trump taking out Soleimani. Besides Iran's formidable military, they also will likely soon have the ability to deliver a nuclear weapon. You need to be careful who you piss off. It's not turning the other cheek. It's called being smart.

@Captain_Feelgood Sorry, Feelgood. This is not a debate. I won't even point out the times Soleimani helped us. I'm done.

@DenoPenno No it's not a debate, it's a discussion. And Soleimani helped get a few Taliban soldiers, who were at the time mutual enemies, after we gave them maps showing where they were... That help ended in a very short time when Bush gave his "axis of evil" statement. You act like they've been fighting them along side us for years or something.

@OwlInASack Sooo someone has to attack American soil to make you take notice? He had a hand in killing hundreds of American soldiers. That's enough for me to take action.

@OwlInASack If you're going to comment on stuff like this, at least get your facts straight. The U.S. military support to our partners there is Intel based, and to mitigate noncombatant casualties, by improving coalition processes and procedures, especially regarding compliance with the law of armed conflict and best practices for reducing the risk of civilian casualties. The final decisions on the conduct of operations in the campaign are made by the members of the Saudi-led coalition, not the United States. And so you know, the Saudis are fighting Al-Qaeda and ISIS, not civilians.. But yeah, lets not let facts get in the way of a good 'Anti Trump' idea. 🙄 I'm done here. You're too far gone to reason with.


I think the likelihood of all that you posted is "of course." The problem here is that so many of us would fall in line supporting a war with Iran and think that we were "being American." Reverse this situation and have Iran assassinating one of our military men the way we just did theirs and we would call it "an act of war." I think Donnie has bit off more than he can chew. At best this is an impeachment diversion and plays to a re-election tactic. Now Americans in general are more targeted traveling abroad and Donnie might get surprises at his golf course. What do we do- have the military protect them? Rose McGowan tweeted correctly on this and she is a Republican.


Just as in the 2016 election, Trump has solid plans for winning the 2020 elections. Apparently, starting a war is a big part of his plan. Most Americans capable of critical thinking see what he's doing. The agony we face is that it might work. Many people who dislike a President will gather around and support him in war time even though he's a mentally-ill asshole.


People all over the world went out and protested at the war on Iraq's supposed weapons of nuclear destruction. I have my fingers crossed that people understand the increasing level of cynicism of these hawks and refuse to go along with it. My hope is that hatred for manipulation and utter contempt for human life on this level will cross the ideological divide and protest for sanity.

Well, not really.... in several countries there were a few protesters at American embassies for a few hours. More fringe radicals, much like we saw at protests here.


Be it Trump, be someone else, we have seen something similar before. The destitution of Saddam Hussein. Also in Libya with Gaddafi. This time the danger comes that Iraq has already shown support to Iran and might make the Arabic world unite, which I find scary. Let's see what happens...

Franklin Graham then gets his Holy War

@twill, I reckon that Franklin Graham to be a politician or a weapon industry tycoon (I'm not American, not familiar with many names). I hope Trump gets impeached.

@Paddypereira no he's one of Donald's puppeteers. An evangelical

@OwlInASack, I hope this guy gets out of presidency soon.


Two weeks ago Iran was having its own problems internally with protests against the government, fortunately for us and our glorious leader we're now a better target.

Because we have an idiot who has replaced those around with yes men who won't tell him real shit.

@Beowulfsfriend Roger that.😣


True. And the stench...oh!


Henry Kissinger called it real politics.

Another war monger of the military industrial machine

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