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"Healing may not be so much about getting better as about letting go of everything that is not you...all the expectations, all the beliefs...and becoming who you are." Rachel Naomi Remen.

Freedompath 9 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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So often I see people in dire straits because of blockades they have erected for themselves.


Be who you are ... believe in yourself!!


hmmmm, getting out of the i swear , it's been non-stop 'this' since 2009. the thing i didn't expect was to make it through without tearing other one's around me ripple effect can be a postitive one. and the more fucked up a situation? the more perspective you get. that may sound like, no duh, but the feelings that come with accepting a shitty situation are ones of peace and humility. it's like an instant healing...which is great, cause more shit will up is hard. but, it's very interesting.

I couldn't agree more!!!

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