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So this was all just a show so the Ayatollah could tell the people 'look, I'm a strong leader that can beat the American dogs'... How pathetic can you get.. Edit: And now I hear we didn't have any casualties, but I hear Ayatollah is telling his people they killed 80 Americans. Soo typical..

Captain_Feelgood 8 Jan 8

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I know the president said there were no casualties after the rocket attack, but where did you hear that the Ayatollah claimed the deaths of 80 Americans? I looked through my sources and have only found questionable reports of the claim. There is no independent verification from either side.The president and Ayatollah lie to save face. The true story may take years to uncover.

There are many news sources reporting what Tehran's television news channels are saying. []

And as I said before, Trumps FIRST tweet he sent out immediately after the attack didn't claim if there were any Americans killed or not. His first tweet said "Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! "..


Don’t buy into any of it. It will just make you mad and you will have lost.

Honestly, I'm more sad for the 1,500 people he killed, and 7,000 he imprisoned for protesting his regime last year.


The movie "Canadian bacon" comes to mind....

Leetx Level 7 Jan 8, 2020

Not familiar, I'll look that one up.


"So this was all just a show so the orange one could tell the people 'look, I'm a strong leader that can beat the Iranian rag head dogs'... How pathetic can you get.. Edit: And now I hear we didn't have any casualties, but I hear Ayatollah is telling his people they killed 80 Americans. Soo typical.."
Trump says 0 Iran says 80 Can I have a 3rd opinion, please?

I didn't say 'Trump said 0 casualties' did I? Don't put words in my mouth. Trump said "Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! " , that was just a little while after the bombing had stopped.
And for the record, you are being so totally dishonest with your quotation marks there, unless you know someone that actually said that, and just are not referencing them. Which I find pretty pathetic to tell the truth.

@Captain_Feelgood Trump DID say zero American and Iraqi casualties. Please stop being so "knee jerk" dogmatic, and learn to reference sources like AlJazeera and BBC.

@Petter If you'll notice, I was quoting the original tweet before he knew for sure, "Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! ".. He later said today zero casualties when he found out for sure.. No knee jerk anything there, and you can reference who ever you like, I'll stick with the source I trust; the original tweet, the Military report itself, etc..

@Captain_Feelgood You trust Trump's tweets as truth? Wow! any chance of getting you at my poker table?

@273kelvin I'm pointing to his tweet showing you what he first actually said!!! Why is that so hard for you to understand? If you say he first tweeted that there were no casualties (which is not true), I quote (copy/paste) what he actually tweeted. It's that simple. It's not a matter of believing if it's true, I'm showing you what he tweeted. πŸ™„

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