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Apparently we are told to prepare for a cyber attack.
Connect a chain to your monitor and cpu to make sure your computer doesn't try to kill you in the middle of the night.
Is that right?

PondartIncbendog 8 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Lol funny

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 10, 2020

Yeah I hate it when that happens


Just like the millenium bug then.


Works for me. I don't trust that infernal analytic engine anyways. Best to keep it locked up and sent to bed without supper.

I figure if the Iranians hack my computer, they'll get my kibble and nip receipts, my photos of food and probably links to stupid cat videos. I don't do my banking or finances on my personal computer.

Maybe they'll burn FaceBook to the ground. That would be a treat as I detest FB, don't use it and never will.

Just make back-ups (which should be done anyway, hackers not withstanding).

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