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@Hicks66 posted a really interesting(but gross) video earlier today and I've been watching the series in question. It's entertaining and the guy doing the videos is obviously a pretty smart dude BUT he set off one of my favorite pet peeves. You can't just call dumb people dumb, not if you want to change minds.

The lady he's roasting is batshit insane and may possibly have caused multiple deaths. I'm not arguing that she's right. A few of the things he called her out for, however, either have some basis in fact or are things easily misunderstood by those of us without PhDs.

Item 1: he calls her crazy for saying that viruses cause cancer. Yo dude! Some viruses do cause cancer (oncovirus). Its why we have a vaccine for hpv. You know so people don't get uterine cancer... If you call someone crazy for believing something already proven by science, your credibility goes right out the window.

Item 2: he calls her crazy for believing that sugar feeds cancer cells. This is a persistent myth but its persistent for a good reason . PET scans use a glucose as a marker. Cancer cells, being larger and faster growing show more of this marker because of the nature of the cancer cells. It's easy to see how a layman would look at these scans and think "look at all the glucose in those cancer cells, cancer must thrive on glucose!". It's not an unreasonable conclusion to reach. If you want to change someones mind about such a thing, you need to give them solid evidence and explanations for why that supposition is incorrect.

What I'm saying is you can't beat ignorance and misinformation with haughty dismissal , poor fact checking and name calling.

OpposingOpposum 9 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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If someone I was debating with (on any subject) called me an idiot (or any other name) this would not bother me in the slightest, I would ask them what evidence they have to support their argument, If the evidence falls victim to a fallacy of logic, or it is poorly supported in someway then I point this out, however, If it is credible evidence that stood up to scrutiny then I would change my mind for sure, regardless of any name calling.

Having said all of that, this is just me and my way of thinking. I myself would not start name calling with someone I was having a debate with, as if I really felt they were that stupid, then I wouldn't bother debating with them in the first place, unfortubately there are stupid people, who are almost willingly ignorant. Also, most people are quite sensitive, and once you start to resort to name calling this isn't helping anyone learn anything

I don't know you well but you seem fairly intelligent. I think people who aren't introspective at all literally just shut down when you get blunt with them. Just my observation.

@Blindbird thank you for thinking that I am intelligent. I shall be quoting you on this many times

@RobH86 lol. Why am I suddenly afraid this is going to bite me in the butt?


I agree , everyone can be misinformed or have a belief. to insult is to someone is not a good thing.


What about MIKE HUGHES?
Can we laugh at HIM?
Michelle Bachmannn?
Please? 😛

You can do whatever you want. I'm not the police. You're not going to change minds though.


Good way to explain your point!



You tell 'em!

Lol thanks. I'm mostly writing this stuff to organize what I'm thinking into some coherence but hey,I get points for posting !

@Blindbird and us for agreeing, or torturing you or whatever!

@njoy_life_2 lol

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