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Hello all! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. If you feel comfortable sharing, what's your favorite way to spend the holidays/Christmas??

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godlessinal 7 Jan 10

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Home with family and great food...

Zster Level 8 Jan 12, 2020

Festivus for the rest of us! I do not believe in the Christian's hacking this time of year since I am of scientific background. I believe, the Winter Solstice, like the Spring Equinox, have far reaching symbolic meanings which predate "Christ" by millennium. I do enjoy the pagan traditions of lights and trees and the commercial givings for the time of the year.


Thanksgiving is more our big family holiday, because my wife's kids are normally with their biological father on Christmas. So it passes mostly unremarked for us, and we do a gift exchange on Thanksgiving (we call it "Chrisgiving" ). This year my stepson was home for a change though and cooked us a fabulous roast duck dinner on Christmas day.

Outside the Bible Belt it's not that hard to bypass most of the hoo-rah if you do your gift shopping before Thanksgiving. I heard a few Christmas carols at the grocery store and of course was accosted by Salvation Army bell-ringers going in, but that's about it. No big deal.


I really like the holiday season, but I'm kinda glad when it's over!! It's kinda like a food I love, but only eat once in awhile, because it's only available at certain times of the year. Like, for example, peppermint bark... I love it!

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