Another Encounter with the Real World
This morning, I took Jenn (Daughter) and Lia (Granddaughter) to brunch. We drove in my car, in case of sudden snow squalls or other weather requiring a 4-wheel drive. Jenn who is nosey opened the glove compartment and discovered a huge mess of chewed up paper. So, it is either mice or chipmunks who have taken refuge in the CR-V. We checked to see that insurance cards and other vital information were still intact.
Now I understand the interest my cats have shown my car recently. How do the creatures get into the glove compartment? Tomorrow I will package all important documents in strong plastic and stash it with a bar of Irish Spring soap ( Jenn's idea. I hope she is not having me on.)
So, there you have it: no miracles, no religion, no angels or gods are necessary to make as stop in wonder.
Also, inspect under both front wheelwells. Check for the intake for fresh air. The screen may be missing.
You need to check your engine compartment now. There are some rubber plugs that rodents chew through to enter vehicles. In addition, those holes could cause cO to enter the interior.
Inspect your wiring in the engine compartment and if you see anything out of the ordinary or have any doubts, take it to a pro. Rodents will chew through wires and can disable a car.
Year and make of car?
2008 Honda CR-V.