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I received some valid questions about how to define agnostic/gnostic, and atheist/theist. I found this handy-dandy chart that I keep on my desktop. Please save, and share!!

Robecology 9 Jan 12

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Over complicated nonsense

it is much simpler

Is there evidence for the existence of gods
Answer NO
I still believe there is a god = Theist a polite euphemism for deluded arsehole
I find no reason to believe in gods = Atheist euphemism for follower of the bleeding obvious
I don't know if I believe or not = Agnostic polite euphemism for cowardly bet hedger.


Silly chart of no or very little validity.


Kinda okay. I do not know of anyone who does not believe in god and does claim proof exist. The gnostic atheist is conflicting unless i misunderstand the context.

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