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The death of Roger Scruton is sad. One of the sharpest political/philosophical minds on the planet.

Forget the politics, he’s been frequently quoted out of context. A great mind gone to the void.


Geoffrey51 8 Jan 12

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I always enjoyed reading his prose, even if it could be a bit too fluffy at times.


A great contributor to the 'Great Conversation'. I loved his talks on the preservation of culture and beauty. Oddly, I saw nothing in today's papers about his death.


"Scruton was criticized in 2002 for having written articles about smoking without disclosing that he was receiving a regular fee from Japan Tobacco International (JTI, formerly R. J. Reynolds)."

A philosopher for CEO's and conservatives who seem to see profit and market as a superior motive to compassion and edification.

Roger Scruton dies of cancer

Like all of us he was a mixed bag, and I am sure his family will miss him.


I cannot comment much here because I am not aware of this person.


I remember Scruton as a snobbish right-wing shill and abuser of animals. He defended the rights of tobacco companies to inflict cancer on their customers, while at the same time railing against the social medicine that they would later need to rely on. The world is not worse off for his passing.


I have the utmost respect for great thinkers, Sir roger Scruton was one. RIP


The Independent article contains the phrase “Anybody who doesn’t think there’s a....”
Until I read the article I had no info on whether there’s a..., so I was agnostic on the issue. I would like to cut the writer a new one for his scold.

If he had written “Anybody who thinks there’s not a....” I would leave him with his original.


No one here gets out alive.

It was his turn to go.

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