14 3

Well this was humiliating!
QUIZ: 99% Of Adults Fail This Elementary School Test, Will You?


TheoryNumber3 8 Jan 19

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I should have gotten 37, but either the quiz or my phone messed me up on the Declaration of Independence question. I definitely did not select 1802 as my answer.

JimG Level 8 Jan 20, 2020

35 out of 40...not bad for a Brit...the questions we’re oriented towards US knowledge!


35 out of forty. The American history questions were a bit tough for a European, and I do think that an eagle must be faster, especially in a dive, which the question did not rule out.

Me too...same score. I got the US history questions right, some of the others not!

@Marionville Yep I got most of them right, just dropped one, made one stupid mistake clicked on the wrong box, don't agree about the eagle, and a couple I really did not know.


I felt the fastest bird question wasn’t very specific - an Eagle can fly faster than an ostrich can run.
Theresa May is no longer Prime Minister of the UK

Yes, I got that wrong too.

Yes...but Theresa May was the most recent of these names!

I read: "Which bird runs the fastest?"

Perhaps I misread the question - wouldn’t be the first timeπŸ™‚


35/40 β€” I probably should have known one of the answers I got wrong, but, meh, I wasn't absolutely positive about a few others I got right.


I thought 33 was pretty good since it was an American quiz.



lerlo Level 8 Jan 19, 2020

Seriously Elementary kids know the Prime Minister of England? The ads made me nuts but I managed 36 out of 40.

it was out of date anyway

@MsDemeanour Thinking back, though...I was taught a lot of totally irrelevant things in elementary school. I think we spent an entire semester learning how oranges were grown. Did they think we'd all work in citrus orchards?

@LucyLoohoo There was time in those days to teach you a range of stuff. How much sex ed did you get?

@LucyLoohoo do you think elementary kids in UK know the USA president ? lol

@MsDemeanour Good questions...we weren't given sex education until high school. But I knew how to propagate oranges and dates! πŸ™‚ Does anyone in the world NOT know who the porcine pustule is? SIGH.

British children would be expected to know the US President.

@MsDemeanour Yes... I think most of them would.

@Marionville Yes but the US president is the loudest....ooops I mean....most powerful. Altho our kids wouldn't know the Chinese president.

@LucyLoohoo Mate you must be a blast at dinner parties with your citrus citations. lol


35 out of 40. So I learned that the Arctic Ocean is the smallest.


Couldn’t get past the initial spam


38 out of 40 πŸ™‚


I don't know if I passed. 24 out of 40 is that passing.

That's 60 %. That's passing


I passed... I actually got 29 out of 40. I miss clicked one..

It's been a lot longer since i was in school πŸ™‚


A couple of years ago I set out to prove Pythagoras's theorem. I used to think it was a doddle in my youth. However, I failed miserably in my dotage!

er right.....Something about a triangle wasn't it? lol

@MsDemeanour Half a rectangle, actually. 🀣🀣

@Petter Symmetry never appealed to me. πŸ˜€ I always prefer irregularities with a splash of chaos. (I should've been a believer). Actually I was just really crap at math.

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