Are you a jealous person ?
Never had, never going to be... Never in my life I owned anyone. My lover is not my posession or is forced to feel owned by me. Sometimes caused problem in relationships, specially the latino women conditioning of latino men been Uber Jealous and Possesive. I am just cutted fron a different cloth. My Sentimental Interest is always Free to walk out of my life... alone or in someone else arm, it is her life.
I used to be. Or perhaps "envious" was a more appropriate term. Less so as I've gotten older and realize the things I used to envy in other people I can have for myself.
Maybe when I waa younger I might have been a littel bit.
I think jewlousy springs mostly out of one's own insecurities. If you value your self worth based on other people, as in what they think of you or how they treat you,, then you are also more likely to be healous.
If your self worth is based mostly on how you think of yourself, you are less likely to be healous.
Not really but in my youth, I have been and it consumes you so not good at all. if someones going to do something, they just will, especially if you keep treating them like they did something wrong.
Sadly, no.
I'm so male in traits, I'm more like a cis hetero guy in that respect, who are often known to share lovers, so lack the female outrage needed to kick cheaters to the curb. This is a bad trait for a female, since it leaves her at risk from badly behaving spouses, who then feel free to act out.
Unless she meets her male counterpart.
@Anonbene I ex came out as nonbinary female about six years after our divorce in 2010. He/she was perfect for me, but sadly, if I wasn't jealous, being partially transmale, she/he sure was! Insane jealousy-of my job, anything that took my attention from my ex-is why I left the marriage and moved to Thailand.
In my youth horribly. I didn't grow up in the best of environments and very self-conscious. I was always intimidated by other males being to close to a female I liked.
Today if a man goes after my girl I just let them know that one comes with responsibilities and bills and leave it at that.