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Pascals Wager.

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell). This pretty much sums up the Christians I know. I want my pleasures.

Rugglesby 8 Mar 29

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Pascals Wager Fails on several fronts.

First, it does not consider the actual cost, that of your actual life, one which humans are free to live as they see fit (Liberty Itself). This potential life is sacrificed for the religious one which ensures your salvation via the codes and stritures of your religion or religious sect.

Second, there is no evidence this religious life is correct, or more correct than any other religious life and worse no proof it is true, factualy accurate.

Third, the impetus of the axiom of Pascal is FEAR. That the fear of being wrong, of going to hell is so dire, that hell is so horrendous a reality, that it convicts itself, for Hell is a construct OF GOD. Eternal Punishment for Finite crime cannot be just, and is certainly not loving.

If you take a character like Stalin or Hitler, some Despot of the Earth, and make that Person suffer horrible torture for a lifetime for each and every person whose death they caused, then they would spend several million lifetimes being tortured. That would be the begining of woes, a drop on the oceans of eternity which are hell as spoken of by Jesus.

The concept of Hell turns God into an extortionist.
For God, being all knowing, timeless and ever present, created man with full knowledge he would fall (or your definition fails and God is not all knowing, ever present and timeless).
Hell is thus like a shotgun held to everyone's head. God then says "IF you love me and Obey me, you won't get shot. It is your choice"
The Same God, created Hell for this fallen man as a predetermined fate, like a shotgun held to everyone's head rigged to go off UNLESS you love God and OBEY God.
That makes your idea of salvation actually extortion, and thus makes your God evil.

Pascals wager is Carrot and Stick reasoning, with no evidence of either.
But it sure keeps those collection plates full . . .

It also may apply to any god. Worship David and the rewards will be better and the punishments worse. Now the Christian god is a worse bet.
There are thousands of gods to choose from. If I did choose one I would have a .01 % chance of choosing the correct god if there was only one true God.
The list goes on and on.

@DavidLaDeau Quite true, and as the internal cognitive models for God do not match person to person, ( this idea is even embraced and endorsed by large sects (protestantism for instance), God itself represents itself differently to each person inside those "personal relationships", creating a population of Gods equal tothe population of minds on the planet.
None identical, each to its own in part,, as that indivual thinks and believes.
Without actual evidence it would never be possible to determine which, if any were correct.


Ill stick with irrational then


Pascals wager falls down at too many hurdles for me. 1, It assumes that it is a 2 horse race, god or no god. When the choices are no god and 1000`s of differing deities. 2, You cannot feign a belief. This would be akin to a child continuing to say they believed in santa in order to receive more toys at xmas. If god exists then he is omnipresent and knows what is in our hearts. Therefore a hypocritical " false " belief is worse than no belief at all.


That works the same for 3000 some odd gods man have made up. You better believe and seek them all so not to piss them off

Then I would be like a politician.


HAHAHA!!! as i live a godless life i couldn't possibly ever end up in hell, because hell was created by this non-existent nutcase.

I could never end up there again, not after the havoc I caused on my last visit, they revoked my visa.

@Rugglesby L 😀 L


T^he first ideas I had while reading this was "what would Pascal worry about if he was born on an island where people had no idea of a god." Would his life be any less rich. I would argue that he would be far better off as he would not have to concern himself worring about something that ultimately does not exist. Pascals Wager only makes sense in a society where God is thought to be real. When considering theories like this (do not know what else to call them and I am being a little lazy) I ask myself "What would a person who had no knowledge of our societal knowledge think, or could think."

Yes, it seems pretty much confined to the Abrahamic religions.

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