Have you ever teleported, or known someone who did?
Many people here seem to not realize that we are made of energy and are contributing to creating our own realities. For instance, they deny ESP, even with all the handicapped people operating bionic limbs with brain waves, etc.
In my case, I have had many experiences, most here would claim were "impossible" despite nothing being actualy impossible, considering parallel universes where all possibilities exist.
I have had teleportation experiences, but only a few times when I was aware it was happening, and I can't do it on demand..although I've read there are people who can.
Several times, my husband and I started out on four-hour trips to another state, and a few minutes after getting on the interstate, we'd see the exit sign for the town where we were going. We'd just shrug and consider it a bonus.
Once, a pickup truck with monster wheels lost control on a narrow, creek-side road and came right at me so I was looking up into their grill..but suddenly I was behind the truck, stopped.
The guys jumped out of the pickup truck, faces white, and ran up to me, asking if I was all right, and what had happened.
A woman ran out of the farmhouse next to the road, also asking me what happened. Their eyes were wide in shock and I realized I'd somehow passed through the truck.
Another friend, and my brother-in-law reported similar experiences when they about to be killed then found themselves parked somewhere else.
Before my daughter and I each had working speedometers in our cars, we used to get to Louisville in 20 minutes and to Cincinnati in 40 minutes. We were both annoyed after we got better cars that the Louisville and Cincinnati trips each took several hours.
My daughter also reported being teleported about ten blocks past a dangerous part of LA in the middle of the night when she was walking to her brother's apartment after a party.
My husband and I were religious at the time and neither of us took anything, and even ate health food. The stories are true, and I had multiple witnesses. We are all made of energy, and time and space don't really exist, or else Einstein was wrong. There isn't anything solid in actuality.
Many people teleport.
Link to other agnostic.com members telling about their teleportation experiences: I am curious if anyone here believes in actual physical (body, car, etc) teleportation?
Well at least I feel better about being a schizophrenic now
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Teleportation of a human would require very substantial evidence.
Matter does not simply become energy and vice versa. It requires very specific circumstances for this to occur.
from wikipedia...
Nuclear forces (also known as nuclear interactions or strong forces) are the forces that act between two or more nucleons. They bind protons and neutrons (“nucleons&rdquo into atomic nuclei. The nuclear force is about 10 millions times stronger than the chemical binding that holds atoms together in molecules.
The nuclear force must be overcome in order for matter to fuse and release energy or for it to be torn apart and release energy. Thankfully, this is the case because matter decomposed to energy becomes a very huge amount of energy. For an example per google, the amount of matter converted to energy in the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was about 700 milligrams, less than one-third the mass of a U.S. dime
So a 200lb person would explode into energy equivalent to 130,000 bombs. Probably enough to create an extinction level event.
So despite the fact that we are made of energy trapped in matter, we still have to follow the basic rules of science. In extreme stress, we perceive the flow of time differently, and we also tend to have imperfect recall of events... so challenge yourself to produce actual evidence, rather than anecdote or miracles.
Oh, brother. All that stuff and yet I was there and so was my husband, and my dad also timed me coming from Louisville, and yelled at me..said I had to have been going over 120 mph to get home that fast after calling from my sister's house in Louisville. I just told him I also stopped for gas. But I didn't tell the stories for other people to sit around and decide IF they happened. They did happen, and I not only had witnesses, but knew people who also had similar experiences.
Every notion you have proposed has superior explanations involving our brains and human perception.
Occams razor.
I live my life by the razor!
@Nickbeee The Randi Way!
@Davesnothere The only way brother!!! No time for creative logicians lol
Really? My husband was with me several times when our trips of several hours ended in ten minutes. Also, I drove to cities several hours away in 20-40 minutes for YEARS, not days. And my dad even timed me once and yelled at me that it was impossible for me to get home that fast after calling from my sister's house in Louisville. I just told him I'd also stopped for gas. It was disappointing to have to take hours instead of minutes once I got a better car with a working speedometer. And the same thing happened with my daughter. But I didn't tell about it for others to decide if it happened or not..it DID happen. I don't really care what YOU think.
where'd dave go?
@birdingnut it does not matter what either you or I THINK, it matters what actually happened.
I cannot know that as i was not there and have no way to put it to any test.
Hence i am left with possibilities
On the one hand your sense of time distorted (common), you either simply forgot the boring ride, or slept through it or something. In the case of the accident you mentioned, you blinked or clenched your eyes in a fear response and missed a second.
Something utterly FANTASTIC, BEYOND ALL UNDERSTOOD PHYSICS HAPPENED, and in your view is in fact common.
Occams razor says simply that the most simple explanation is most often the most accurate one.
Occam's razor (also Ockham's razor or Ocham's razor; Latin: lex parsimoniae "law of parsimony" ) is the problem-solving principle that, when presented with competing hypothetical answers to a problem, one should select the one that makes the fewest assumptions.
Your teleportation assertion ASSUMES an awful lot to explain a time gap you cannot explain
A Nap assumes much less, as does a forgeting mind.
This is why such fantastic claims require equally fantastic proof, not just assertion.
Believe what you will . . .
@Davesnothere Like I said, I was only informing you. Whether or not YOU think it's possible doesn't matter to me. Can you even prove you exist? NO. But you know you do, since you're experiencing it, as well as those around you. I've seen stuff far more fantastic than that, but you'd have to believe in Einstein when he said time and space don't really exist except in our minds, and that matter is really energy, plus all things are possible because of the multiverse. Your opinion means nothing to me.
@birdingnut that is a misunderstanding of Einstein, and obviously it does matter to you or you would feel no desire to inform others of your fantastic teleportation capabilities Nightcrawler.
I had NO INTENT of ruffling your feathers, but I did, simply by not believing your fantastic claim
" I drove to cities several hours away in 20-40 minutes for YEARS, not days (It was disappointing to have to take hours instead of minutes once I got a better car with a working speedometer. )"
THAT is a fantastic claim, like raising the dead, walking on water, traveling HOURS in minutes is traveling past the speed of sound or more, on the ground in a beater car.
Why would you make such a fantastic claim in a public forum and expect the world to simply accept your supernatural abilities without any evidence, just your say so?
If I said I could fly and blow out housefires, stop bullets with my naked eye, should you believe me or call bullshit?
I am truly sorry you took offense, but I am simply not able NOT to call BS on such a fantastic claim with no evidence, as it would break land speed records at the very least.
@Davesnothere They weren't speed records at all..somehow we were going through some sort of time compression, because the trip seemed to take the full amount of time, but only 20 minutes passed. Yet we passed every exit we were supposed to pass. I wasn't asking you to believe it..most of the things I've seen and experienced the people here wouldn't believe anyway..this is one of the mildest things I could think of.
But people here don't seem much different than the alt-right after all, yelling "fake news" about anything they've not personally experienced. Many people on this website are starting to seriously annoy me, and I'm changing my mind about this place.
@birdingnut Still a FANTASTIC claim is it not?
" I wasn't asking you to believe it"--This stretches credulity, of course you want people to believe you, all people want to be believed.
and I do believe your experience
That does not make it a fact, it makes it your perception, which can be in error. Could have forgotton something, got the times wrong excetra excetra.
NOW you are claiming "Time Compression", a effect which can only take place according to Einstiens theorem at speeds approaching that of light itself, then time would slow.
So, what is more likely
That a human made an error or several in recollection of times
That a beater car drove at nearly the speed of light?
Some third alternative of an unknown Physics effect, which only affects you and your husband in your old beater car and allows you to travel at nearly light speeds with no friction issues?
Let me share with you something that happened to me in 81.
I was riding with my GF of that day, in her mothers new buick, going home, my car was in the garage. Since we were out with her moms car as young adults, we were very clean and sober that night and going back home to my place around midnight from a mutual friends home. The way was a lonely country road out of a small town, It wound out past the community collage which was set back 300 or so meters from the road down its own roadway.
We were both quite startled to see the entire school lit up like daytime. Illuminated from above by something we could not see, save for its light source, and pulling over to see could not hear. As my GF leaned over to see better the light swiftly moved over us, over the car and vanished in utter silence.
There was no more light. We got out of the car and could see and hear nothing.
We got back in the car and it was dead. Would not start, coud not find a thing wrong with it and it was brand new.
Pissed off and spooked by the unknown event, both of us thinking and saying "was that a damn UFO?" and me saying "yes, it was unknown, but that does not mean aliens, it means unknown", nonetheless we were stuck walking the 15-20 minutes left to my house.
We arrived at 3:45 AM, very puzzled at the time.
The wrecker got the car and discovered that the new model she was driving had a dead electronic brain.
Want to guess how many Ufologists have told me I had a "close encounter" and mising time, that I might be an abductee?
In 2012 I stopped to visit my mothers grave on my way through that state. As I sat graveside, not 500 meter from that very community collage a strange thing happened. A glider flew low over the trees and surprised me, swooped across the road and over other trees and vanished.
I used to live there and knew nothing of gliders, I followed it and discovered a glider port 1/4 mile on the other side of that very road. A glider port which had existed way back then, a glider port whose owner informed me did night flights then and now, an owner who also informed me that night gliders coming in often use a bright light to flash to the runway to show them where they are coming in from, not the normal landing light but a notification light which shines down from the aircraft.
Suddenly my experience in 81 made perfect sense.
The human brain seeks to make patterns, all the time. It plays fill in the blanks. So while your brain has filled in the blanks with "teleportation by unknown means" it seems to me like all those ufologists who wanted to make the unknown into the UFO they wanted, which in the end turned out to be a glider combined with my ignorance of them.
Sorry if that annoys you, or I annoy you. You are free to believe anything you please, like anyone. If you want to claim it is a fact, which happened, and that claim is as fantastic as yours, your would need proof of that, and I do not see how you could ever get it with your claim.
Wow, far out, man. That's really cosmic. Now don't Bogart that doobie; pass it on down.
Seriously, there are a lot of fun stories about the subject, but there has been nothing to quantify it. Whenever science steps in, and sets up controls, suddenly paranormal effects jump out the window.
This is because:
paranormal things are so delicate and dainty that they just dissolve whenever skepticism comes a-calling, even when people that claim duch effects agree on the protocols;
The paranormal is above science, and cannot be tested/falsified;
Science, which has tested just about everything, for some reason cannot come up with proper test protocols for paranormal effects;
there is nothing there to test.
I know what I'm putting my money on. Anecdotes from people are not evidence. Sincerity is not truth.
Except that, for years, my daughter and I ghosted to nearby cities in minutes, and my dad even screamed at me once when I called him from my sister's house in Louisville then 20 minutes later I pulled into the driveway, at our farm near Morehead, KY. My dad said I'd have to have traveled at over 120 mph to be back already. I said I'd also stopped for gas. My husband was with me with several of the teleportations in the car, so I have a witness to that one also. But, like the alt-right, anyone can yell FAKE NEWS at anything with which they don't agree, so believe whatever you like.
The mind is far from a perfect organ. Perception too often replaces reality. Teleportation is pure fantasy for simple fact that a human cannot be torn down to the atom and reassembled.
So you're saying we AREN'T made of energy, and that time and space really exist? LOL! I guess old Einstein had it wrong.
@birdingnut we are made of matter and we use energy, but no, we aren't made of it
@birdingnut Even Einstein put it out as a theory, not a fact. I'm in complete confidence that we will eventually have the technology to test such theories one day... providing we don't end up killing off every living thing on the planet first.
@SimonMorgan1 well, you can't really use quantum definitions with large bodies, but I know what you mean. That's exactly why quantum physics field even came to life, is because in part, relativistic physics wasn't able to properly describe small particles, or particle-wave duality. I don;t have a degree in it either, but I loved my physics courses
@AmyLF scientific theories are actually treated as facts, because there is evidence, reproducibility, and possibility to make predictions that can be tested later and turn out to be true. That's what a scientific theory is. It's a pet peeve of mine, when terms are misused like that. I am sure you didn't mean anything bad by it, but I think it's an important distinction. Something that hasn't been quite tested yet, or shown results that are consistent with predictions is called a hypothesis.
I have recently mapped my own neurology after years of struggle. I have proved to be right and after brain scans will now get help. The brain is incredibly complex & literally any subjective experience is possible. That does not mean it definitely happened. I see a lot of lights amongst other stuff because there is a lesion growing in my brain .. i confuse faces & may think strangers are friends or friends are strangers but have at no point assume'd people were teleporting around which is the alternative assumption to a genetic brain difference. I don't know an answer to this but i think you need some questions & the first is, "would your husband avoid something difficult for an easy day?. What you are describing could be a component of anything from epilepsy to something more chemical and less biological. If you can do it at will however please let me know how.
LOL! My husband was with me several times when the car teleported to where we were going, but he just shrugged, being used to me being a psychic and doing things he couldn't explain. As for getting to cities several hours away in only minutes, my dad timed me once, then yelled at me, saying I'd have to have been going 120 mph to make it home that fast after calling from my sister's house in Louisville. I told him I'd also stopped for gas.
how is this nonsense not the same as religion?
Um..because we are all made of energy, and time and space don't really exist, or else Einstein was wrong. There isn't anything solid in actuality.
My roommate has the same problem, he's been transported 100's times, even back in time and different universes. He can't explain how it happens it just does!... I make sure he takes his meds everyday.
It'd be interesting to see what third party accounts were. Particularly the guys in the truck in the near miss incident. If they saw your vehicle disappear from in front of and reappear behind theirs, that would be very interesting indeed.
I'm not going to mock or pour scorn, but a more likely explanation than teleportation is that you just don't have full recall of events. Possibly due to boredom on the long car journey (maybe even napping, if you're not the driver) or slipping into 'autopilot' if you're the one behind the wheel. The extreme stress of the near death experience with the truck could have triggered a similar memory gap.
I've had a few occasions where I've been driving down a motorway on a long but familiar journey, and suddenly realised I don't even know which motorway I'm on. It takes a landmark for me to figure out where I'm up to. Also, one occasion when I was out drinking with a customer (their IT department had a night out) and I have no idea how I got back to my hotel. There was a lot of alcohol involved in that one, though.
Were the 20 and 40 minute trips measured with a clock? Or did they just feel about that long?
This went on for several years. My dad even screamed at me because I called him from my sister's house in Louisville before leaving for home, then arrived in 40 minutes, including stopping for gas. My dad said I'd have to have driven 120 mph even if I hadn't stopped for gas. Once I had a working speedometer, the journey went back to being several hours, and the same for my daughter.
If you tell the story another 20 times....you might really convince yourself it happened....or maybe you already convinced yourself it happened.....
@SkotlandSkye Right. I was there, I have witnesses. You know nothing about it. And your opinion means nothing to me. You can't even "prove" you exist, much less anything about someone else.
@birdingnut I still think that various people simply losing track of time is the most likely explanation for most of it, with a blackout of the scariest few seconds being the most likely explanation in the near death experience.
If the 40 minute journey started at 11am and ended at 11:40am, verified on a clock, then that would be more compelling. If it just feels like you did it in 40 minutes, then a better explanation is that the way the human brain processes time is very flexible: a boring afternoon in work can drag on forever. A busy one can be over before you know it.
Or in a car with no speedometer, were you actually travelling at over 120mph? In years gone by, I've had my cars up to that kind of speed a couple of times (don't tell the police.) It doesn't feel that fast on an empty road.
I'm not sure what the mechanism of teleportation would be. In your case, it happens spontaneously, without any kind of teleportation equipment, which would suggest something supernatural.
@birdingnut Poor dear. Failing to grasp simple physics and simple philosophy must be a very limiting way to go through life. Cogito ergo sum.
@SkotlandSkye Move along, troll. You're just an "alt-right" person who yells "fake news" at anything you haven't personally experienced or seen.
@NicoleCadmium No, it really happened. And I have numerous witnesses for numerous occasions. But who cares what you think? On this forum, it's like the alt-right, with people yelling "fake news!" at anything they don't personally know about.
@birdingnut I'm trying to keep an open mind to it. But with no personal experience and no hard evidence to back it up, it seems about as likely as spontaneous human combustion, or a mystical sky being who punishes us if we're naughty. Remember that you're pitching this to a bunch of sceptics
My belief is that you haven't teleported, and that there's an alternative, scientifically valid explanation of why you and others feel you've travelled long distances in impossibly short times. If we can only put our finger on it.
@NicoleCadmium LOL! No it happened, and much more stuff than that, which I now see I don't dare print here. Many people here seem so incredibly closed minded. You do know that time and space are imaginary..they don't exist. We are really energy. All is illusion..we are NOT solid. I'm getting really tired of this website now.
It is the silly, random and fun blog ? It's fulfilled all three..
No, all the stories are true, and I had multiple witnesses. We are all made of energy, and time and space don't really exist, or else Einstein was wrong. There isn't anything solid in actuality.
Ramblings of either a mentally ill person or someone who likes to make-up fiction.
As for ESP, scientific tests of such, have always shown it to be non-existant.
LOL! So Einstein was wrong about us being made of energy, and time and space not existing? And people with missing limbs who control bionic limbs with their minds are "non-existantent?" Oh, brother. I was wrong about atheists being so intelligent.
If that is something you are interested in then you might wish to do more reading. There are cases that haven't been proven one way or the other for the simple fact that though some things could be reproduced, they couldn't figure out how under the circumstances that were set up in testing. Granted it was rare but still they did exist. I used to read the studies on this sort of thing back in my teens.
How does one measure instinct, for that matter?
Any dog owner knows their best friend is psychic as compared to your average Hominid. It doesn't matter what I'm driving, rental, brothers truck or whatever.
My dog knows it's me coming down the road long before I am even a dot on the horizon.
Animals running upland to escape earthquakes, tsunamis, and killer storms??
Animals have a sixth sense because they are still connected to Nature. Lacking Human intelligence, most other animals rely on instinct as well as some intelligence.
Just because most Humans have lost this ability thru detachment from Nature doesn't mean it never existed in Humans or our ancestors.
@birdingnut No, the issue is not that we are made of energy...the issue is some bullshit contention that humans can alter the laws of nature with their minds (e.g., "teleportation" ). If you believe you have "teleported" yourself and your car through a pickup truck, you are ready for the rubber room.
@dahermit So Einstein was wrong about us being made of energy, and time and space not existing? And people with missing limbs who control bionic limbs with their minds are "faking?" Oh, brother. I was wrong about atheists being so intelligent. This site is seriously starting to annoy me. Many people here who seem to know little about time and space, yet making declarations about my own experiences being true of not. Whatever. Your opinion doesn't matter to me.
@birdingnut "So Einstein was wrong about us being made of energy, and time and space not existing? " You still do not get it...NO Einstein was not wrong, just your delusion that you can/have been "teleported". In your delusion, you seem not to be able to separate science from your delusion. If you truly believe that you have been teleported, you are mentally ill. I saw such delusions many times as a Psychiatric Technician in the army. Their delusions were such that the then-new technology of satellites or fluorescent lights were "reading their brain waves". Yes, the satellites and fluorescent lights were real, just their ideas relative to them was a delusion.
I've heard and read about things like this but it's outside the realm of my actual experience and I haven't seen anything produced to support it being an actual thing. Freak accident avoidance and loosing track of time in transit covers most of this. I can't say this is utterly impossible for the simple fact that we still, in this day and age, have much to learn about what just what we are capible of. Howerver, unless I do see something like this myself I'd have a very hard time believing it.
I can understand that, but I've experienced and seen far weirder stuff than this. I was just putting this out to see how this bunch reacted, being as they're supposed to be more intelligent, but I see that they're not much different than the general population. Many yell "fake news!" about anything they've not see. I'm considering dropping this website now..too many people acting alt-right. The reason I came here in the first place was to escape that sort of closed mind.
@birdingnut Open minded doesn't mean accept anything at someone's word. Surely you understand that? It isn't alt right, just not alt left either.
@AmyLF I was being attacked and mocked viciously. If they'd simply said they didn't believe in something I mentioned, then no problem. It was the incredible nastiness. I began blocking the worst of the trolls, and I am considering leaving as well. I hate rude, jeering people no matter their beliefs, and sure wouldn't want to date ANY of them.
@birdingnut I must have missed it. I'm sorry some people are ass-hats. I tend not to give a flying fig when they are because it just makes them look bad.
Extrasensory perception has been thoroughly proven beyond any shadow of doubt to be absolutely true by advanced pseudoscience.
It is definitely more pronounced in other animals than Human.
My dog for sure knows my car, rental or not! Animals other than us are still tuned into Nature and follow instincts. ESP is just another sense, one we are LOSING due to lack of use and detachment from Nature.
Evolution. Use it or lose it.
So Einstein was wrong about us being made of energy, and time and space not existing? And people with missing limbs who control bionic limbs with their minds are also fake Oh, brother. I was wrong about atheists being so intelligent.
Although I don't believe in teleportation, I have to play DA on the premise, which I've seen here many times before, that if it can't be proved, it can't be true. This is flawed thinking. There are many things that used to be considered "out there", impossible, etc., which have later been proven to be true. Just because something can't be proved right now doesn't mean it can't be proved 500 years in the future.
@marga I didn't say it can't be true. My point is that it has been dismissed by the scientific community.
@RoboGraham Yes, I wasn't arguing against you personally but the scientific community.
Really? My husband was with me several times when our trips of several hours ended in ten minutes. Also, I drove to cities several hours away in 20-40 minutes for YEARS, not days. And my dad even timed me once and yelled at me that it was impossible for me to get home that fast after calling from my sister's house in Louisville. I just told him I'd also stopped for gas. It was disappointing to have to take hours instead of minutes once I got a better car with a working speedometer. And the same thing happened with my daughter. But I didn't tell about it for others to decide if it happened or not..it DID happen. I don't really care what YOU think.
Alien bigoot? Wookies!
Time displacement is common. At base level, examples of that are you have a fairly quick day as it progresses and others around you complain that the day is going too slow.
Last year I totalled out a company truck in a rain storm as I entered the freeway. The truck spun and flipped instantly and I barely had time to imagine all those other vehicles hitting me before it was all over. My truck flipped and bounced off the median cable. The freeway was totally empty and I was facing the wrong way without a single scratch on me.
I have also had OBE's but was never able to do that on demand. After one such OBE years ago I explained things that would not have been known unless the OBE had occured and a person that did know was there to verify it for all of us.
At one time I studied such things and was involved in them. Not today though.
Have seen some interesting CC TV videos of traffic intersections , showing what appears to be teleportation situations .
What was their frame rate?
Everytime I hear the word teleporting/teleportation, I think of "beam me up Scotty" from Star Trek. I don't think they ever prerfected that yet.
Yes. We are energy and when we leave this earth, our energy will return back to the earth.
I also thought of the Philadelphia Experiment (a.k.a. Project Rainbow). This happened, according to several articles, that I've read. When this experiment ended, several people were "fused" into the bulkhead. Some never returned. Some teleported to the future. There are even reports of the ship being seen in another harbor. For this ship to teleport itself and everyone on it, they have to include everyone's "time sigature." This time signature (or time stamp) is when the person is born. I did see the movie as a kid, and that got me intrigued. Nikola Tesla and Einstein (and a few others) were involved with this. I believe Tesla said this ship needs to be worked on some more, before they go fwd with it. The government did not listen, and went ahead with their plans.
Have I teleported out of my body? I believe I have, depending on your view. There are times, I felt like I wasn't "hear" but elsewere.
I have had dreams as I slept, and I would wake up remembering the dream. I was in a different part of this planet, in the dream.
I had these day trips were I wasn't there, but felt like I was elsewhere.
So I believe it is possable to take a trip elsewhere. Maybe one needs to find the correct "time stamp," to go onto a trip of their own.
Check out Coast to Coast AM. They do talk about teleportation and other interesting subjects.
Many people teleport.
Link to other agnostic.com members telling about their teleportation experiences: I am curious if anyone here believes in actual physical (body, car, etc) teleportation?
I used to go on Astral journeys in my younger days, in my sleep. The thing that made these "dreams" different was
Flying dreams are quite common for everyone, I believe.
I've had astral dreams before, too. In my experience, a "real" astral dream, as opposed to a regular dream, is marked by its vividness and its mendacity. In other words, if I dream about being a superstar, it's not real. But if I dream about an ordinary conversation with someone as we walk down a road, it could very well be real. Or not.
@marga I've had several astral projection trips, but those were also random and unexpected. It was fun though.