A drunk was staggering along the beach at San Diago and tripped over a bottle. He picked up the bottle and was wiping the sand off it when POOF a Genie pops out. "Hay, thanks for getting me out of that bottle. In gratitude I'll grant you one wish."
"Ain't that supposed to be three wishes." said the drunk.
Nah,I ain't that kind of Genie. One wish, what do you want?"
"OK. Well let me see. Oh, I know. I want a bridge from here to Hawaii." said the drunk.
"What? Have you got any idea what --- that would take --- sheesh. Ain't there something else you could wish for?"
"Well, let me think. OH, I want a book that explains women."
And the Genie said,"How many lanes did you want on that bridge?"