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Is the Corona Virus going to be catostrophic or is it all hype?

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Biblebeltskeptic 6 Feb 4

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Love to vote but your poll doesn't allow for any in between at all.. Its not as bad or contagious as many things but it is killing many people.

An elderly man got in my 11 year olds face the other day while I was in the bathroom at Meijer asking her if she was sick. I figured it had something to do with all the media about the Corona virus but it wasn't till the next day I realized it may have also been because some people say she looks Asian

MsAl Level 8 Feb 10, 2020

Wait and see probably overblown except for China


Here's comparatively how serious the coronavirus outbreak is.
"1) It seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS ...
2) But the fatality rate is probably less than 3 percent, much less than SARS ...
3) Symptoms show between 2 to 14 days, allowing the illness to go undetected ...
4) The virus spread quickly because it started in a transportation hub ...
5) The W.H.O. has praised China’s efforts, but critics fear lockdown measures may not be enough ...
6) A vaccine is still a year away — at minimum."

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