What does it really mean that Trump invited many black guests to the State of the Union? Whats his motive really?
What I see is an attempt to dispel the the consequences of his racism. He's not trying to get black voters he is trying to reach white voters who might be leery of voting for a blatant racist what ever Trump does because of his M.O. I attribute the worst possible motive He is crook(criminal), phony , liar, Oh, I could go on and on. I hope he can be stopped!Somebody taught thesecreeps to do stuff like this. I wonder who?
Its democracy, it works because people have short memories. In the first year you are nasty, in the second you line your pockets, and in the third you start being nice to everyone. It only has to work with enough floating voters to tip the balance, and you can get away with anything. People just don't pay attention.
People don't pay attention. Exactly right.
Getting re-elected, he is dragging every conservative minority out of the closet he knows. Sadly, they exist.