Three Defining Features of the ADHD Brain That Everyone Overlooks.
Textbook signs of ADD - 1. inattention, 2. hyperactivity, and 3. impulsivity - fail to reflect its most powerful characteristics.
But when one asks what these people experience that people without ADHD don’t experience, a different set of symptoms emerge.
Three defining features of ADHD explain every aspect of the condition:
An interest-based nervous system has inconsistent attention, activated ONLY by a momentary sense of interest, competition, novelty, or urgency, created by a do-or-die deadline.
They are unable to make use of the three things that organize and motivate everyone else: importance, rewards, and consequences.
To compensate, people with ADHD often compile strategies for sparking interest by noting when they do well with similar tasks, and recreating those circumstances.
It might asking someone to sit with them while they work. Or transforming an otherwise boring task through imagination; for instance, bored anatomy students can imagine themselves learning the anatomy to save a friend's life.
This is very useful information. I think more grown-ups than realize it may have a form of ADHD. For example, I have friends who are prone to rejection sensitive dysphoria, yet they do not consider their suffering to be curable. To manage my own difficulties, I had to learn how to stop the negative self-talk in order to focus. That is still a challenge.
I found that 1/4 dropper of sativa cannabis oil stops those thoughts. I can still faintly hear the inner stream of accusations and worry but it seems far away, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. Instead, if something potentially stressful comes up, I only feel amused and detached, and I can calmly fix the problem.
Taking a dropper of Indica cannabis stops pain but I only feel sleepy, dopey and increasingly uncoordinated (without any of the euphoria people claim to get through smoking joints), if I take a lot of Indica at the same time. But if I also take 1/4 dropper of sativa cannabis oil, it restores muscle control and clarity of mind.
Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that sativa cannabis oil cancels pain killing effects of both Indica cannabis (which I've been taking all along for pain, and to kill cancer cells) and the hospital numbing medication, so I have to stop taking sativa cannabis oil by at least the day before I go to the hospital, to ensure pain killers work the next day.
@birdingnut I do not know if I'm using indica or sativa. Though I currently vape oil that is 65% THC and 3% CBG. I need only a very few puffs of that to change my mind set, and the strong effect from vaping gradually lessens becoming very mellow. It takes my mind off dysphoria that was overwhelming it and puts it back in balance through both a mental and physical change of awareness.
Oh man, I was kind of distracted by your,,,,,,,,and I gotta go,,,,,,,,I hope she's still there.................