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How many of you have lied or decieved a potential employer about your being agnostic or atheist. I would like to read your stories!

I am very guilty of not mentioning....Little things,.... like, my ATHEIST YOUTUBE CHANNEL! My involvement on social media etc..

DavidLaDeau 8 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I've never had an employer ask.


I don't bring it up for good reason. I once worked as a home health aide for a private employer. I got the job because my friend had been the aide but needed to take time off for surgery. For reasons unknown, she told the woman that I was an atheist, and it started an unnecessary shit storm in her holy rolling soul. She was superficially kind but not for one minute did she stop brow beating me to pray, and asking me why I was angry at god (oh I hate that one in particular). It was all I could do to keep myself from telling her that I was angry at god for the same reason I was angry at unicorns, leprechauns and the tooth fairy. But I remained polite. After one year of trying to get me to convert, she fired me because "jesus told her to." Despite the fact that I live a mere 60 miles north of New York City, amidst every demographic in the world, people around here are bible-thumping fanatics who DO NOT react well to atheists!

The area I live in is similar. Just had this nice, cure old lady talking about Jesus at a meeting last night. Lucky that the two pastors that were sitting with us knew I was an atheist and said nothing! They are great people diamonds in the rough!

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