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BRAVO! This Black History Month display is going viral for all the right reasons.

tinkercreek 8 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Abolitionists certainly were patronizing and racist like many crusading white xian missionaries for this door sized rewrite of fake history to be necessary...... be it a lesson to Atheists fighting theocracy....first tell the whole truth....don't cherry pick our place in history..... Atheism is a 28 century old word not a Soviet conspiracy or a Huxley invented Agnosticism invented 1860's..... religion was invented to rape women and brainwash boys into deadly violence against neighboring tribes so the Victor's could rape neighboring women and sell children as slaves millenia before the Vatican decreed for slavery and colonizing the world into a white xian empire 1450


Way to keep eyes on the PRIZE ; which is( potential) why
progress will never stop.
Thank you; hugs


Because it is interesting.

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