For what reasons do you believe Trump will loose the upcoming election?
I do not necessarily like it but I think he has the Christian voting block locked up for the most part 2/3 of the vote in the U.S.
Yes, the moronic idiots love of their mystical god has them believing in trump as some kind of rapture king, a faux son of Jesus!!!
They are actually worshiping him as their new savior!!!
trump and the obstructionist republican fascists have these magic believers believing they are part of the chosen ones who will be lifted into their religious paradise!!!
I don't think he will lose. The DNC continues to block their greatest chance of actually beating Trump; Bernie. There are a lot of people backing the Bernie train, but the DNC keeps screwing him over and placing someone who is incompetent, a head of him.
Evidently the DNC cheated to make Hillary the Presidential Candidate last election. They could do this without recourse as the DNC is a private organization. So I don't think they will change their minds or treat him fairly now.
There are plenty of Christians who are disgusted by Trump.
I think he will lose because there is a very popular great roots movent building momentum and Trump himself has expressed apprehension about running against democratic socialism. People understand that Bernie policies will actually improve their lives, Trump has done nothing but maker the rich richer and ruin the environment.
I think Mike will get the nomination, Bernie will fall when he can't keep up financially (which is exactly what any nominee is going to get so, if Bernie can't prevail over it, we'd have lost the general). Mike is also capable of bringing along a new Senate in his wake. But I agree that Democratic Socialism, which many like to mislabel as Socialism, has reached a tipping point.
If Bloomberg gets the nomination we are doomed. He is an extremely flawed candidate and millions of people including myself will never ever vote for him. It just isn't possible. He has nothing to offer but money. That won't work. A candidate needs a message, something to offer the voters. Mike has nothing but money.
We tried a flawed centrist last time. It was colossal disaster. This time will be worse. The only way to beat Trump is to run a true populist. Someone who can get the working class in the rust belt to shift back over to the democrats. Someone to energize the youth and encourage non-voters to vote for a change. That someone is Bernie Sanders because he has something significant to offer, something beyond personal wealth and being slightly less horrible than Trump.
The play will go like this. You can vote for the "savior" or a commie! No offense intended towards Communist. Bernie will suffer from as much disinformation as possible.
Trump will find a way to demonize whichever candidate he faces. If he goes with the Bernie is a communist angle, it will fail because it's just so obviously false.
Some people are too ignorant to understand the difference between communism and social democracy. Those people will be voting republican regardless.
Bernie is strong with the groups of voters which HRC was weak with. The working class of the rust belt, youth voters, independents, and traditional non-voters. Bernie will turn out these groups for the democrats and defeat Trump. If it is another moderate corporatist, the vote will be suppressed and we will lose for sure.
All Christians do not like trump. That is ridiculous. Registered republicans account for a little over 25% of registered voters. Registered Democrats make up a little over 25% of registered voters. So called independents make up the rest. I have read anywhere from 70 to 110 million eligible voters did not vote in 2016. Most Democrats are self proclaimed Christians as are most Americans. So you think all of the Dems are going to vote for trump. Do you think most Indies including left leaning Indies ( Most Indies are not really Indies. They do lean left or right. They just aren't fanatical about it. ) are going to vote for trump. I think you are way off the mark. It doesn't mean he can't win. It depends on where those votes are located. If it was based on the popular vote, he wouldn't have a chance.
I am looking at it from the angle of the percieved threat of "Christian Values" that seems to be the center of the fear campaign.
@DavidLaDeau Not all believers are fanatical. That percentage is not that large. If that were true he would rise much higher in the poles than his continuous average between 41 and 43 percent.
@Sticks48 I think this election will be dependent upon the religious vote. It is still the largest voting dynamic in the U.S.
@DavidLaDeau Millenials are the largest voting block. Boomers are just right behind them. Part of trump's support comes from wealthy people because of taxes.
@Sticks48 There are more millenials than Christians in the U.S.? As of 2019 there are about 80 milliion millenials and 218 million that identify as christian.