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So I'm at work and I had a customer ask me if i was a lover of jesus. I said no and then had to sit there for the next 10 minutes listening to someone tell me how much him and god love me. Thank you but I didn't ask. I would never ask someone that question unless we were dating. I surely wouldn't sit there and tell them why they don't need to believe in god. I hate when people do that. If i wasn't at work i would have just walked away laughing.

GalaxyJumper 4 Feb 21

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Yeah very irritating, but you can't do what you want

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 21, 2020

i would have cut that person off somehow. "sorry, but i don't want to hear that" would be one option, and it can be said firmly but politely. i do not put up with that. it isn't in your job description, is it?


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