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I had a moment this morning that has brought back traumatic memories of my childhood.

When at secondary school, an all boys catholic school, every Easter we watched a film in the assembly hall. It was a time of needing a projector and hiring the film on reels (I feel old!)

The film we had to watch was........The Robe 😮

I live in the UK and I've noticed that on BBC2 at 15:35 this afternoon (Good Friday) it's on. It is truely dreadful

If you've never seen it then I envy you, if you have I share your pain, if you haven't and want to watch it, it will affirm why you are on this site.

ipdg77 8 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes but, you have to admire Jay Robinson's role as the demented Caligula. It's classic.


Just a standard-issue religious potboiler. Don't recall anything remarkably awful about it -- it was more or less as awful as all the others. Not as well made as, say, the 1959 Ben-Hur or even the 1956 Ten Commandments.

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