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How can they say the earth is only 10,000 years old? We have had 5 glacier events. One of them created the great lakes. We have found at least 7 different kinds of homo ancestors. Did God drop them off like a taxi service?

Treehugger 6 Nov 21

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Many young earthers in my current geography believe that the evidence (of a much older earth) has been strategically placed by satan to deliberately lead people away from god and salvation.

Zster Level 8 Nov 22, 2017

It is hard to face facts!


We can say that because there are people who voted for trump and they are evangelicals.


They will believe anything.

I read something about the Creation Museum in America where they propose that Dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

That's really stupid.

Facts are hard to accept at times.


‘They’ say a lot of things.
So do facts.

I ran across someone recently that told me the Samaritan’s were alien and Neanderthal cross breeds. Hahaha.

Hee Hee


Methinks you try to use too much logic in order to understand the illogical. "They" don't care about facts. If they did, they wouldn't be theists.


They say that the process of the creation of the universe was faster than it is now and slowed down. There is no evidence to support this claim.

Where are their facts to support this?

There is none

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