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When I was 12, I questioned the existence of god to my Hebrew school principal. My father was shocked when he heard what I had to say. The principal told him that sometimes doubters become the strongest believers. 61 years later, I still believe the same thing: that this could not be true.

Slix92 3 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I had doubts as a child, but I did go through a period in my teens where I seriously tried to gain a beliefs liek my parents and most of my siblings, mostly out o fa sense of wantign to make them happy and wishing to feel like I belonged. For me it never took, but I am sure that for some the furious efforts to try to believe works for them So, the Rabbi was probably right, but the key word in his statement is "sometimes".


LOL! At least you're consistently intelligent.


What part is not true, the god part or the lessons taught in hebrew school from a moral and ethical perspective? I think many parts of our upbringing and Talmud has value. You discard what does not.


same here - was about 12 - learned about the Holcaust and studied Job in Jewish Sunday School. Refused to go to Hebrew School. However at my confirmation denouced god,


Yes you were a smart cookie then and now too

Rosh Level 7 Mar 30, 2018
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